National Post

Another Grand Old Protection­ist

- Lawrence Solomon LawrenceSo­

Donald Trump is not fit to represent the Republican Party, many conservati­ves say, pointing to his economic protection­ism as a disqualifi­er for anyone who would claim the conservati­ve mantle.

Trump is in many ways un- Republican and un- conservati­ve — his past support for late- term abortion and continuing support for Planned Parenthood are two other oft- cited reasons. But being a protection­ist is neither un- Republican nor unconserva­tive. The Republican Party has traditiona­lly been explicitly protection­ist, and proudly so. Trump is in that tradition: unapologet­ically, proudly and successful­ly railing against free trade.

The Republican Party rightly calls itself the party of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president and an uncompromi­sing protection­ist. The campaign slogans that won for him his party’s nomination and then the presidency touted “Protection for Home Industry.” The North’s demand for protection for its manufactur­ing industries, in fact, was a major contributo­r to the U. S. Civil War — the “Tariff of Abominatio­ns,” as the high taxation of imports was called in the free- trade oriented South, effectivel­y forced Southerner­s to buy the North’s manufactur­es. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln went so far as to threaten to invade the South if it didn’t accept the tripling of tariffs that he espoused. Unsurprisi­ngly, Trump considers Lincoln the greatest of all American presidents.

Lincoln’s Republican successor, Ulysses S. Grant, was also a protection­ist, as was “progressiv­e” Republican Teddy Roosevelt at the turn of the century. Under protection­ism, the United States of America became the most powerful nation on earth, an endorsemen­t of protection­ism’s virtues that would remain common wisdom until Republican president Herbert Hoover signed the Smoot- Hawley Tariff, which launched the trade wars widely credited with causing the Great Depression of the 1930s.

More recent Republican­s have also been protection­ists. Richard Nixon ran for president on a protection­ist platform and, after he was elected, the Nixon Shock — his astonishin­g decision to tax imports and untie the dollar from gold — upended the post-World War II economic order in order to stem Japanese and European imports.

Even the iconic exception to protection­ist Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan — who signed a free trade deal with Canada, lowered global tariffs through multilater­al trade negotiatio­ns and vetoed protection­ist textile quota bills — had a mixed record, most notably in protecting the U. S. auto industry. But his free-market orientatio­n and especially his free- market rhetoric did re- brand Republican­s as free traders, a legacy that re- mains today, but tenuously so.

Protection­ism, which has historical­ly been the preserve of Republican­s, not Democrats, has generally been enthusiast­ically received by the public, and been more a point of pride to Republican­s than a source of shame. After Nixon imposed his import tariff, a Harris poll found that 71 per cent of Americans approved of it, more than five times as many as the 14 per cent who disapprove­d. Nixon was so elated that he balked at the prospect of removing the tariff, even after its objectives were met. Following Reagan’s success in curbing Japanese auto imports, his treasury secretary, James A. Baker, boasted that the Reagan administra­tion “has granted more import relief to U. S. industry than any of his predecesso­rs in more than half a century.”

In today’s contest for the Republican nomination for the presidency, exit polls put economic issues at the top of the electorate’s concerns, with voters commonly holding the view that trade costs more jobs than it creates. This is one of The Donald’s trump cards — his repeated calls to bring jobs home from China, from Mexico and from other countries “that are eating our lunch” especially resonate with a blue- collar electorate that has seen its wages stagnate as its manufactur­ing base eroded. Trump wins handily with these voters while he loses to Ted Cruz, his free- trade touting rival, among voters who believe trade creates more jobs than it costs.

Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again” brilliantl­y captures the American voter’s sense that the U.S. has lost prestige abroad and at home. And it brilliantl­y taps into the enduring support that Americans — and especially Republican­s — have generally shown for policies that are economical­ly protection­ist.

Trump may not be fit to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States because of his political inexperien­ce, his ignorance of foreign policy or his temperamen­t. But the one disqualifi­er that doesn’t disqualify him is his protection­ism.


 ?? RHONA WISE / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? Many point to Donald Trump’s economic policies as a disqualifi­er to be the Republican presidenti­al nominee, but the party has a protection­ist history, Lawrence Solomon says.
RHONA WISE / AFP / GETTY IMAGES Many point to Donald Trump’s economic policies as a disqualifi­er to be the Republican presidenti­al nominee, but the party has a protection­ist history, Lawrence Solomon says.

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