National Post


The ugly skinny on skinny cable packages.



you’re a French speaker in Saskatchew­an, boy, do the new “skinny basic” cable channel lineups have a screaming deal for you. Of course, the odds of anyone being a French speaker in that province are vanishingl­y small. Fewer than 1% of Saskatchew­anians speak French on a regular basis, the smallest provincial proportion — outside Newfoundla­nd — able to muddle its way through an episode of Tout le monde en parle.

But these are the luckiest one-percenters this side of Wall Street, because in the new, slimmed-down 16-channel “Lite” cable-package universe being offered for the rock-bottom, government-mandated price of $ 25 a month by SaskTel Telecommun­ications Holding Corp., no fewer than seven of those channels are in French. That means nearly half the package, forcibly sold at a discount by official government policy, caters exclusivel­y to a few thousand people. And the 99% in Saskatchew­an who speak only English? They get three Canadian networks, a bit of weather, two parliament­ary channels, and the Aboriginal channel. But not a single American network.

A year ago, the Canadian Radio- television and Telecommun­ications Commission announced that it was dragging Canadian broadcasti­ng into the present by ordering cable companies to offer subscriber­s a basic, price-capped package by March 2016, rather than squeezing them into expensive bundles. Having got a load of the skinnier packages, critics now complain viewers are being squeezed in a whole different way, with cable companies complying particular­ly viciously with the regulator’s diktat. “Indeed, the ‘skinny’ on these skinny packages is essentiall­y that no one will want them — and that, paradoxica­lly, is exactly what the cable providers want,” the National Post’s editorial board scoffed. Dwayne Winseck, a Carleton University expert on the sector, said cable giants wanted skinny basic to be “a stillbirth,” dismissing the new deals as “retrograde,” “begrudging” and “behind 1970s standards.”

Cable companies have always been targets of scorn, and they’d be foolish to offer first-class cable perks to subscriber­s paying coach. But hand it to CRTC chairman Jean-Pierre Blais for fooling us all into believing the regulator is, for the first time in his- tory, on the side of the consumer in standing against the cable barons. Announcing the skinny edict, he said he “was forcing the industry to finally face that the world is changing.” Earlier this year, he railed against broadcasti­ng executives “who own luxury yachts and private helicopter­s,” but still want the CRTC to protect them from market forces.

But it isn’t facing up to a changing world that tangles up the telecom and cable giants: they’ve been doing that for decades. It’s that the CRTC, despite its consumer-friendly rhetoric, retains an impassable thicket of rules and regulation­s — such as those that compel cable operators to carry specific, selected channels on even the most basic packages. Even if no one watches them. Greedy shareholde­rs don’t run SaskTel: It’s a Crown corporatio­n. But even it surely knows that it won’t keep its most frugal customers from cutting their cords by offering a basic cable package half-populated by unintellig­ible programmin­g. The only reason it must is because regulators in Ottawa have deemed the French channels mandatory carriage, meaning the cable provider has no choice but to include them in even the skinniest package.

A smart cable provider might seek to offset the problem by fattening up that bundle with channels that customers actually want to watch. But the CRTC has been fiercely stingy about that, too. When Vidéotron General Partnershi­p in February asked for regulatory permission to add extra channels to its skinny package, still keeping its price at $25, it was refused. That, the CRTC said, would exceed the “maximum” amount of channels Vidéotron was allowed to offer, and would unacceptab­ly blur the distinctio­n between basic and premium packages, controvert­ing the regulator’s goals of offering Canadians an entirely no-frills service.

So, to keep Canada’s media sector current in a universe where Netflix, podcasts and YouTube offer limitless content, this is what the CRTC thinks is consumer friendly: A mandatory cheaper package, loaded with unwatched must-carry stations, with a prohibitio­n on subscriber­s getting more and better channels for free. Now, was someone saying something about cable companies being the ones out of touch?


 ??  ?? Kevin Libin is editorial director of Financial Post
Magazine. Email: klibin@nationalpo­
Kevin Libin is editorial director of Financial Post Magazine. Email: klibin@nationalpo­

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