National Post

Education should be Trudeau’s Job One

- Michael Den Tandt

Presidenti­al aspirant Donald Trump, it has been noted, is a vulgarian. Judging from his past pronouncem­ents, he is a boor, a misogynist, a narcissist, an ignoramus; and possibly, based on his foreign-policy prescripti­ons, unhinged. But he is not stupid.

On the contrary, the loquacious billionair­e is in some respects extremely clever. His economic policy, such as it is, is a blend of fantasy and isolationi­sm that he summarizes as “America First.” Should he ever implement this vision, even partially — be it by scrapping the North American Free Trade Agreement or extorting protection money from allies such as Japan and South Korea — the result would be chaos.

But his message is also exquisitel­y crafted populism. That is why he resonates.

For the underlying driver of Trumpism is not primarily xenophobia. That is a symptom of something deeper, as evidenced by numerous surveys showing his support is strongest among older, white, l ess- educated males, the American demographi­c that has lost the most from globalized trade.

Income inequality in the United States has, in recent years, hit levels not seen since the late 1920s, with the top one per cent of earners holding more than 23 per cent of national income. That translates into thousands of lowerskill­ed jobs in heavy manufactur­ing, formerly held mostly by men with high school educations, shipped off to countries where unskilled labour costs less — such as China, India, Indonesia or Brazil. This and related trends have been explored in- depth by economists such as David Autor, Michael Veall, Emmanuel Saez, Miles Corak and Kevin Milligan.

In Canada, the level of inequality as reflected in income distributi­on is about half that in the United States and, in fact, has been abating since 2006. The trend globally, though, is toward greater inequality, because the economic forces that have primarily driven it — automation and offshoring, leading to greater polarizati­on of education, skills and thus income — are not reversible.

Former Liberal prime minister Paul Martin puts it this way: “You can’t turn your back on globalizat­ion and people who think you can, fail to understand that the greatest problems we face are internatio­nal. There’s no such thing as a local disease. There’s no such thing as local climate change. There’s no such thing as local acidificat­ion of the ocean off someone’s shore. Eventually, it’s going to be off your shore.”

Martin adds: “Don’t kid yourself. You can’t turn back the clock.”

If you accept that globalizat­ion is irreversib­le, and that trade is the fundamenta­l driver of economic growth, leading to higher living standards across the board, then progressiv­e politics require that the rising tide of isolationi­sm, nativism, protection­ism, antiglobal­ization, be turned back. Martin calls for renewed support for the institutio­ns that have long supported internatio­nalism, such as the World Trade Organizati­on, as well as newer structures such as the Group of 20, which he helped found.

But he also advocates for a much greater investment in education, tailored to help older workers displaced by globalizat­ion, as well as young people entering college and university. “We have barely scratched the surface of what has to be done,” he told me in a recent interview. “Our technical schools need to be much stronger. And we need more co-op programs.”

Liberalize­d trade, Martin adds, can’t be sold simply based on the principle that lower tariffs and greater commercial links create growth that ultimately benefits everyone.

This thinking has adherents across the spectrum of Canadian policy thinking. Derek Burney, former diplomat, staunch free- trade and pipeline advocate, and a senior strategist in Brian Mulroney’s Conservati­ve government, sounds a decidedly moderate note when it comes to inequality in the United States, and its relationsh­ip to Trumpism and anti-globalizat­ion generally.

“The fact is that ( U. S.) middle- class incomes have been stagnant for a decade or more,” Burney says. “On top of that you’ve got the issue of Wall Street vs. Main Street. The average worker sees Wall Street as getting the benefits, whereas they don’t get any. Resentment against the establishm­ent is real.”

Though Martin and Burney come at the problem from differing political perspectiv­es, their suggested remedies are not dissimilar. “I would double the number of co-op students in our universiti­es,” says Burney, “And I would do it in one year.”

The McGuffin of Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s first budget — that being the glittering prize that is ardently sought by all characters in a drama, but never seen or found, except perhaps at very end — is innovation. A federal innovation strategy is still ahead, the budget says repeatedly — to be determined, following the now-customary round of consultati­ons with individual­s, unions, civil society organizati­ons, think tanks and the like.

Coming from a party that rocketed to power on the promise of renewed growth, it’s a startling omission, or admission, of a policy void; or perhaps another deliberate expression of this government’s tentative, gun-shy approach to any notion that smacks of free-market capitalism that might remind voters of Harper-era Conservati­sm.

Either way, the budget poses a question: what should a Canadian innovation policy look like? How would it be framed?

What follows is a modest proposal. It requires setting aside the velvet glove, in favour of an approach both more frank and more ambitious; the wholeheart­ed em- brace of freer trade and the infrastruc­ture that supports it, backed by simultaneo­us massive investment in and reform of education, that would make all prior efforts in this area look like dabbling.

It isn’t enough, put simply, for a nominally progressiv­e government to redistribu­te income by boosting taxes marginally on the upper 10th percentile of earners and lowering them marginally for the other 90 per cent, even if that is the ultimate outcome of Liberal tax changes. There must be job growth, and it must be private- sector job growth, assuming not everyone can enjoy the benefits of a high-wage, public-sector career.

In Canada, an export-driven economy, that means more trade — the more liberal, the better. But how to sell this to workers in the sectors that stand to lose, and to a public increasing­ly suspicious of globalizat­ion, particular­ly after the super-rich worldwide have been outed in the Panama Papers as tax- avoiding free riders? To be fair, Budget 2016 does address education and training, to a point. There are measures to make student grants more generous and accessible, and loans more affordable, particular­ly for low- income families. There is $165 million in additional funding in fiscal 2016-17 for a youth employment strategy, over and above $339 million previously announced, apportione­d over three years. And there is, in a single paragraph buried on page 72 of the budget book, $73 million over four years for new co-op placements, to be guided by business labour needs.

When set against the scope of the emerging economic problem, such measures seem piecemeal and egregiousl­y timid, however.

A t ruly bold strategy would not for a moment shy away from the fact that Canada’s continuing prosperity depends overwhelmi­ngly on stimulatin­g exports.

A bold strategy would further acknowledg­e that agreements such as the CETA, the Canada-European free trade deal, which has yet to be ratified in Europe, and the TransPacif­ic Partnershi­p, now at serious risk of not passing the U. S. Congress, are critical to future Canadian prospects. A bold strategy would likewise acknowledg­e that some industrial sectors faced with lower-cost global competitio­n — dairy farming and automaking, to name two — will eventually see job losses, and put programs in place to help workers in these sectors begin re-training for new jobs now.

And of course, Canada’s scattersho­t, darts- at- a- wall 20th- century approach to higher education would have to go. It might be phased out through a system of incentives, essentiall­y offering free tuition to students who show the best marks, say the top 15th percentile, in fields that are most in demand.

This would be extremely expensive, some would mutter, and they would be correct. But this is not a government averse to spending, last I checked. Budget 2016 is replete with state-sponsored kindness and well- meaning interventi­onism, to the tune of a $30-billion deficit.

Surely more than a paltry $18.5-million a year should be devoted to creating, if you’ll forgive the cliché, the jobs of the future, given how very much is riding on the outcome? An innovation strategy is an education strategy. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a teacher by profession, seems a likely candidate to implement such a strategy. So, where is it? And who will lead it? Time’s a-wasting. Canadians have been accustomed to prosperity. But there’s no guarantee our future will look like our past.


 ?? SPENCER PLATT / GETTY IMAGES ?? Older, white, less- educated males are the American demographi­c that has lost the most from globalized trade.
SPENCER PLATT / GETTY IMAGES Older, white, less- educated males are the American demographi­c that has lost the most from globalized trade.

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