National Post

Morrison rallies from stroke

- in Calgary Vicki Hall

Speedskate­r Denny Morrison clearly still had his sense of humour Sunday in spite of suffering a stroke upon completion of a 25- day mountain bike trek on the Arizona Trail.

“Just stayed in the most expensive hospital in the world — a US hospital,” the four- time Olympic medallist wrote Sunday morning in a tweet from his room at the Intermount­ain Medical Center in Murray, Utah. “Such a baller.”

Morrison, 30, remained in hospital under observatio­n Sunday after an MRI and CT scan confirmed he suffered a brain blood clot and carotid artery dissection — the most common cause of stroke in young adults — on Saturday afternoon while relaxing in Salt Lake City with his girlfriend Josie Spence. Carotid artery dissection occurs when the layers of the wall separate in the artery that supplies oxygen- bearing blood to the brain.

Speed Skating Canada is calling the incident a “cerebrovas­cular accident.”

Spence, 22, is also member of the Canadian long- track speed skating team and, thankfully, a trained lifeguard. She noticed the signs of a stroke and drove Morrison to a local hospital in Salt Lake City.

Turns out, she might have saved his life.

The scare came as Morrison approaches the one-year anniversar­y of escaping death in a motorcycle crash near Calgary’s Olympic Oval.

“Almost a year post accident and done mountain biking 800 miles across Arizona,” the Fort St. John, B.C. native wrote Saturday night “I’m back in a hospital bed again. Had a stroke today.”

Initially, doctors feared Morrison would require surgery, but his symptoms improved upon transfer from the local hospital to the Intermount­ain Medical Center. As of Sunday afternoon, he was not taking blood thinners.

The timing on a return to Canada is unknown.

“The doctor suggested that I recovered quickly because I am a very healthy young person”, Morrison said in a statement provided by Speed Skating Canada. “I would like to thank everyone for their messages of support, and especially Josie who is with me and who was able to recognize the signs quickly.”

On Saturday night, Morrison’s Facebook page showed a picture of him eating an ice cream treat in his hospital bed, with Spence by his side and cardiac monitoring stickers on his chest.

“Denny understand­s this is serious, but he’s in good spirits,” said agent Russell Reimer. “I told him he should rebrand as Survivor Man, because he’s always on the right side of these brushes with death.”

Morrison broke his f emur, punctured his lung, ruptured his kidneys and bruised his heart last May 7 when his motorcycle crashed into a left-turning car. He also suffered a concussion, tore a knee ligament and chipped his spine.

The i mpact of the collision knocked the car over on its side, and a police officer on scene wondered out loud how the motorcycli­st could have possibly survived.

After a gruelling recovery, he officially returned to racing in March at the Oval Finale in Calgary.

 ?? TED RHODES / POSTMEDIA ?? Speedskate­r Denny Morrison, 30, remained in hospital under observatio­n Sunday after an MRI and CT scan confirmed he suffered a brain blood clot and carotid artery dissection Saturday afternoon in Utah.
TED RHODES / POSTMEDIA Speedskate­r Denny Morrison, 30, remained in hospital under observatio­n Sunday after an MRI and CT scan confirmed he suffered a brain blood clot and carotid artery dissection Saturday afternoon in Utah.

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