National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Stats for sluggers 5. Spanish word for this 9. Sleeps on a perch 11. French word for galley 13. Easy as can be 14. Salamander 16. Old Testament book: abbr. 17. It’s used in fire extinguish­ers 19. Text- oriented programmin­g

language 20. Kind of card 21. “___ Girls” ( 1957 musical film) 22. One of the Great Lakes 23. Place where medical cannabis

is sold 27. Whig opponents 29. They can’t go home again 30. Company that gives subscriber­s access to the Internet, for short 31. Single prefix 32. Toy musical instrument­s 35. Places for sports events 38. Talent for growing plants

easily 40. Newfoundla­nd’s ___ Morne

National Park 42. British bathroom 43. Town in the Netherland­s 44. Street name for heroin 45. Made without yeast 50. Damage 51. Former monetary unit of the

Netherland­s 52. Give a new look to 54. Allergic reactions 55. In high spirits 56. Shillingto­n and Hanlan 57. Gradual decline in amount


1. Bourdon from Quebec 2. Remove offensive material

from 3. British suffix 4. Wound with a knife 5. Yield as profit 6. Hit hard 7. Spreads hay to dry 8. Rings of colour 9. Early Edmonton mayor Lee 10. Stoppage of a flow 11. Blouse worn under a jumper 12. Aged ones 13. Negative reply 15. Unhurried 18. Polish WWII weapon 23. Bus station 24. District outside a city 25. Number that can resemble a q 26. Y- shaped weapons 28. Regularly taking a drug 32. Monetary unit of Iceland 33. Kind of harp 34. Thin window curtains 35. Unit of electric current 36. Places with coin- operated

video games 37. Went above normal levels 38. Sound from a bottle 39. Coffee container 41. System for organizing and tagging elements of a document, for short 46. Different 47. What Ritalin treats, for short 48. Neckline shapes 49. Wooded valley 53. Zedong of China

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