National Post

Our false culture of guilt


Re: How First Nations Became A Prop For White Activists, Jonathan Kay, June 27.

It is unconscion­able that certain people paint our ancestors as cruel, heartless monsters. It used to be that we celebrated their brave pioneering spirit, and the hard work and determinat­ion that were the foundation of our wonderful country. Generation­s of Canadians have now been labelled as the enemy by an elitist society that includes our prime minister who has outrageous­ly committed endless billions of our tax dollars as reparation for our sins. This false culture of guilt is taught as factual history to our children and grandchild­ren in the educationa­l system.

No other nation in the world peddles this kind of romantic nonsense as truth. It is incomprehe­nsible why the intelligen­tsia finds it necessary to twist facts and preach such loathing of our forefather­s. Down through the centuries cultures have blended with one another to further the progress of mankind through new ideas. It is foolish to isolate aboriginal­s and expect the rest of us to finance the perpetuati­on of a lifestyle that is no longer viable.

Carol Joseph, Burlington, Ont.

Jonathan Kay deserves our praise and thanks for his piece on First Nations vis à vis the Roman Catholic Church and the residentia­l schools. Now would be a good time to remember the hundreds ( thousands) of clergy and religious who gave their entire lives to guide the First Nations students into a world they knew very little about. That said, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and it would include government­s and voters who thought they too, were doing what needed doing.

Larry Bennett, Burnaby, B. C.

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