National Post



Newsflash: Investors hate uncertaint­y. If that strikes you as less than shocking, you wouldn’t know it from the freaked-out headlines following the U.K.’s Brexit vote, as much a reflection of the excitabili­ty of business journalist­s as of markets. “Brexit panic wipes $2 trillion off world markets,” screeched The Guardian. “Panic is palpable,” bawled Bloomberg, which in a subsequent story decided that things were worse than that, and the “Market Meltdown Goes Beyond Mere Panic.” Yet, in London, at the heart of the supposed crisis, the FTSE 100 index is now higher than it was a couple of weeks ago, closing up nearly three per cent on Tuesday. The FTSE 250, comprised of more domestical­ly focused and so, arguably more Brexit-sensitive stocks, closed up 3.5 per cent, above lows seen as recently as February.

The surprise pro-Brexit result was a rare instance where markets made a very wrong prediction, after racking up an impressive track record in correctly anticipati­ng the outcome of Scotland’s independen­ce referendum, 2010’s euro crisis, the Greek debt crisis, and even Canada’s Quebexit referendum in 1995 — a significan­tly closer call. So it’s little wonder traders would spend a few days franticall­y rebalancin­g their portfolios. As one high- ranking fund executive told the Financial Post, “people are still trying to figure out what this means and I don’t think anyone really knows, because it’s a historic event.” The larger selloffs, tellingly, were outside the U. K., in Spain, Italy and France — all lacking their own currency to soften the re-valuation blow — with their indexes touching three-year lows (although all saw big gains Tuesday). Investors may be more worried about the fate of European business without Britain than the fate of British business without Europe.

That prognosis may be more on the mark than the bungled Brexit prediction. As anyone who looked at the European bourses before the referendum knows, they’ve been in deep bear-market territory for some time, with the European region’s bluechip Stoxx 50 down 28 per c ent s i nce April 2015; i ts f all since Thursday’s vote accounting for l ess than one per cent of that. As InterMarke­t Forecastin­g’s Richard M. Salsman noted Tuesday in FP Comment, London’s stocks have done be tter when Britain rebuffed EU policies, outperform­ing Europe after Margaret Thatcher broke from the pack with tax cuts, deregulati­on and privatizat­ion. Since 1995, British equities saw gains half that of other European stocks.

Sticking with the EU might offer less uncertaint­y — although repeated cycles of eurozone debt crises don’t exactly soothe markets. But for the Brits, the stability the EU provides could also look an awful lot like lethargy. Already there are signs that things are shaking up for the better, not least because of the comical self-immolation of the U.K.’s far left.

It isn’t just the revolt in the Labour Party against Jeremy Corbyn, although tossing out an old Marxist hack barely nine months after he took over the leadership is one sign that the radical left is failing to rekindle its cause in the U. K., even as the Tories are apparently poised to gain a new, properly Thatcherit­e leader. Labour MPs may be disgruntle­d over Corbyn’s half-hearted anti-Brexit campaignin­g, but that’s only because his diehard ideology sees the EU as a neo-liberal commercial project. Labourites apparently realized they can’t stomach quite that much Bolshevism.

The Brexit debate also ended up dividing Labour from its core base. Two- thirds of working- class Britons voted to split, as did two- thirds of Brits in social housing. The party’s own polling shows that 30 per cent of those who voted Labour in 2015 — already the party’s worst election since 1983 — won’t vote Labour again.

Corbyn accepted the party’s leadership promising to end “Tory economic failure” and to rescue Britain from the “bottom of the internatio­nal league on investment.” His coming up lame in the Brexit battle may just deliver the goods. For all the talk of the EU’s free trade, which the anti- Brexit left has miraculous­ly decided to suddenly embrace, there really isn’t much of it. While EU countries thin borders between themselves, they maintain high tariff walls to outsiders. They also block Britain, the cradle of free trade, from signing its own agreements, while the unwieldy 28- member EU technocrac­y drags out trade negotiatio­ns with the likes of Canada for ages, bogged down in disputes like whether we can call our cheese “feta.” It still has no free trade with Japan, China or the U. S.

Before the vote, and even now, the pro- EU campaign relied on “Project Fear” to scare Britons over losing access to the European market. Whether that actually happens remains to be seen and depends largely on whether EU leaders avoid pettiness and allow Britain some kind on non-member market access, as they do for Norway. But whatever the U. K. gives up in Europe, it gains in access to the rest of the world. That’s why the cheeriest Brexiteers see their decision as a vote for self- assurance and optimism. Given some time, investors will likely come around to see it that way, too.


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