National Post

Europe’s dark history repeats itself


Politics is cyclical in nature, with a tendency to repeat itself with varying frequency. In a more ordered and discipline­d universe, this would offer opportunit­ies to learn from mistakes and avoid repeating them. Unfortunat­ely, that is too rarely the case.

The 1930s was a difficult time in which economic pressures led to ugly social, political and military developmen­ts. It’s possible to look back and wonder how civilizati­ons that viewed themselves as cultured and civilized allowed themselves to be overtaken by their darker instincts and least- tolerant impulses. It would seem the obvious lesson is to err on the side of humanity when chauvinism and narrow-mindedness beckon. But once again, the failure to learn from the past is all too obvious.

Years of economic uncertaint­y and security concerns have left Europe in a distrustfu­l state. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, architect of her country’s liberal policy on the influx of migrants from war- ravaged Middle Eastern countries, saw her party place third in regional elections in her own constituen­cy this week. Dramatic gains were made by Alternativ­e fur Deutschlan­d ( AfD), an antirefuge­e party formed three years ago that has called for a ban on circumcisi­on, minarets and tougher controls on immigratio­n. AfD makes little attempt to hide the fact that its policies are aimed at Muslims, though Jewish writers note that Jewish traditions would also be caught in the crossfire.

The party began in protest against European economic policies, but started making real inroads when it switched to attacking Muslims and immigrants. Its members have also condemned the “Zionizatio­n of Western politics” and the “cult of being gay.” It made strong gains in elections in three states in May, even after a draft manifesto was leaked, arguing that drug addicts and people with mental health issues should be locked up. German newspapers have dubbed party leader Frauke Petry “Adolfina.”

Across the border in Austria, Norbert Hofer is the odds- on favourite to win an upcoming presidenti­al contest. The position carries little real power, but his popularity is seen as a reflection of rising public anger. Hofer advocates a ban on burkas, likes to carry a Glock 9mm pistol while campaignin­g and has suggested more Austrians arm themselves, given the influx of migrants. Among Hofer’s admirers is Marine Le Pen, leader of the extremist French National Front party, who has seen her support balloon as France struggles to deal with terrorist attacks and increasing hostility toward Islam. Le Pen plans to run for the French presidency next year and has a good chance of making it through to the second-round run-off, given the dismal ratings of the ruling Socialist party and the deeply unpopular President François Hollande. She loudly backed banning the burkini on French beaches and has pledged a referendum to follow Britain out of the European Union, which would almost certainly shatter the union if successful.

While French animosity builds, work is set to begin on “the Great Wall of Calais,” a four- metre high concrete wall — higher than the Berlin Wall — to be built on both sides of a one-kilometre stretch of road leading to the port of Calais, in northern France, where thousands of migrants have set up a “jungle” camp in hopes of stowing away on trucks headed to Britain. It will be jointly financed by Britain, which made clear its anti- immigrant feelings with its Brexit vote to quit the EU. That led to the resignatio­n of prime minister David Cameron and his replacemen­t by Theresa May, who has pledged tough new restrictio­ns on immigratio­n and hinted at a crackdown on foreign students, migrants without jobs and a preference for Europeans over non-Europeans.

Europe’s increasing hostility takes place against the backdrop of U.S. presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump’s blatantly bigoted calls to close U. S. borders to Muslims, build a wall along the Mexican border and establish a special Gestapo- like force to hunt down and deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Trump’s campaign platform promises that U. S. firms would be required to hire Americans before migrants could be considered. The fierceness of his prejudice is viewed as a key part of his appeal to supporters.

It’s understand­able that uncertain times would give rise to anxiety about jobs and security. But bigotry and persecutio­n are not the answer. “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” the saying goes. Discrimina­tion and intoleranc­e have never worked before, and won’t work now.

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