National Post

Why ‘none of the above’ looks good

Re: U.S. Politics: The Art Of The Sales Pitch, Andrew Potter; Trump, Clinton Clash In Debate, both, Sept. 27.


It’s arguable that neither candidate for the U. S. presidency this time around is worthy of office. Andrew Potter comments on their ability to tell the truth and, by extension, see t hemselves as the ideal occupant of the White House. He has reinforced a recent conclusion of mine: regardless of party stripe, or on which side of the border one resides, never, under any circumstan­ces, should the word of any politician be taken at face value. Jerry Pryde, Stoney Creek, Ont.

There have been many observatio­ns as to why democracy may not really be as good as it’s made out to be ( “The best argument against democracy is a fiveminute conversati­on with the average voter” — Winston Churchill), but Monday night’s U. S. presidenti­al debate should help solidify that notion when one contemplat­es that these two candidates represent the “best” that our southern neighbour can come up with. How unbelievab­ly lame and pathetic. Morton Doran, Fairmont, B. C.

The U. S. presidenti­al debate left me with a sense of sadness and trepidatio­n. Our once- powerful neighbour to the south is confrontin­g many challenges to its economy, security and human relations. Change is needed. Donald Trump brings business experience but, sadly, a limited grasp of basic economics, global trade and foreign affairs. In the unlikely situation he is elected, I fear for the U. S. If Hillary Clinton is anointed, as she well might be, we can expect a continuati­on of Barack Obama’s flawed economic policies and dangerous illconceiv­ed security and foreign relations strategies. Neither appears a good candidate to lead U.S. or the rest of the free world. Larry Sylvester, Acton, Ont.

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