National Post

A ‘fair share’ fairy tale

- Charles Lammam Ben Eisen and Charles Lammam and Ben Eisen are analysts at the Fraser Institute ( www. fraserinst­itute. org).

‘Like all Canadians, I am very concerned over allegation­s that some wealthy Canadians are not paying their fair share of taxes.” That’s a recent statement from Diane Lebouthill­ier, federal minister of national revenue. While Lebouthill­ier was talking about real estate speculator­s, the notion that top earners don’t pay their “fair share” is a recurring narrative about Canada’s tax system. Of course, “fair share” is never actually defined. But the implicatio­n is that top earners are getting away without paying much tax.

The data tell a different story. In reality, Canada’s tax system is progressiv­e, extracting proportion­ately more money from those on the higher end of the income scale.

But data alone cannot determine whether the distributi­on of the tax burden in Canada is “fair” because what’s fair is different to different people. One thing is certain — the notion that upper-earners face a lighter tax burden is false.

First, consider the per- sonal income taxes paid by the top 10 per cent of earners — the country’s high-skilled, educated workers including entreprene­urs, business profession­als, engineers, doctors and lawyers. According to Statistics Canada data, in 2013 the top 10 per cent earned 35 per cent of Canada’s total income yet paid 54 per cent of federal and provincial income taxes.

But that, of course, is just income taxes. Canadians pay a wide range of other taxes — some visible, many hidden — including payroll taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, fuel taxes, profit taxes, “sin” taxes on liquor and tobacco, and much more. When we account for all these taxes, our calculatio­ns find that the top 10 per cent earns 32 per cent of all income in Canada but pays 40 per cent of all taxes.

Meanwhile, middle- and lower- income earners pay proportion­ately less. Con- sider that the bottom half of earners in Canada earn 22 per cent of all income yet pay only 15 per cent of all taxes.

The imbalance between lower and higher income groups, in terms of the percentage of income earned and total taxes paid, challenges the narrative that high-income earners don’t pay their “fair share” of taxes. What’s more, it flatly disproves the notion that upper-earners get off easy.

Another way to look at the issue is by considerin­g the average tax rate of Canadians in different income groups. After accounting for all taxes imposed by the federal, provincial and local government­s, Canadians in higher income groups pay a higher average tax rate. For the top 10 per cent of earners, the average total tax rate is 56 per cent — much higher than the 13 per cent average rate of the bottom 10 per cent.

For more context, look abroad. The top personal income tax rate in Canada (federal and provincial combined) now stands at 54 per cent — high by internatio­nal standards. In fact, Canada’s top personal income tax rate is sixth highest among 34 industrial­ized countries and second highest among G7 countries, behind only France.

A high and uncompetit­ive personal income tax rate is harmful to Canada’s economy. Why? Because topearning Canadians can lose to taxes more than 50 cents of every extra dollar they earn in labour income, discouragi­ng them from working, saving, investing and being entreprene­urial. While tax rates that increase rapidly as Canadians earn more income aren’t intended to stop people from working and being more successful, research shows they have that very effect.

Despite the reoccurrin­g narrative, and recent musings by Lebouthill­ier, Canada’s top earners already shoulder much of the country’s tax burden.


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