National Post

Pope Putin

- Lawrence Solomon Lawrence Solomon is a policy analyst with Torontobas­ed Probe Internatio­nal. LawrenceSo­

What explains Putin’s success? Two years ago, amid plummeting oil prices, a plummeting ruble, a contractin­g economy, the flight of investors and sanctions over Crimea, pundits were predicting Russia’s, and Putin’s, demise. Yet Putin’s popularity at home has soared — hovering well above 80 per cent according to the Associated Press’s and other reputable polls — despite the hardships caused by rising food prices and falling employment.

Western naysayers who dismiss his popularity as rooted in false values — his control over the press, his bare-chested publicity stunts or chauvinism stirred by his military muscle — misunderst­and the great respect and moral authority he commands within Russia and neighbouri­ng countries. Putin stands for everything craved by a country debased and diminished by 75 years of communism: A principled leader who protects his country from Western aggression, Western contempt and Western values. While we in the West see ourselves as paragons of enlightenm­ent, the envy of the people who don’t enjoy Western- style liberal democracy, only one in 20 Russians wants to become more like us. The overwhelmi­ng majority hews to Putin’s vision of Russian exceptiona­lism and puritanism.

Unlike almost every other country in the world, Russians have rising birth rates and growing families; unlike almost every other country in the West, Russians are undergoing a religious Renaissanc­e. Putin, who is baptized, is arguably a greater defender of traditiona­l Christian values than the Pope, who has been tolerant of divorce, abortion, gay marriage and the transforma­tion of what was once an unabashedl­y Holy Christian Europe into a part-atheistic, part-Muslim continent.

Putin, in contrast, has repudiated the once- official atheism of Communist Russia and embraced the traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church. In diametric opposition to t he t rend elsewhere in the West, he penalizes divorce, prohibits advertisin­g abortion servi- ces, outlaws pornograph­y and c ampaigns against “homosexual propaganda.” Unlike the West, which has seen the abandonmen­t of hundreds of thousands of churches or their conversion into restaurant­s, bars and entertainm­ent venues, Putin has reversed Lenin’s legacy by restoring almost 25,000 churches that had been abandoned or destroyed under communism. Putin contrasts a decadent West to a profoundly spiritual and moral Russia. In his State of the Union address three years ago, he expressed disdain for the West’s “so- called tolerance — genderless and infertile.”

Russia’s Christian roots also inform its foreign policy, with the Russian Orthodox Church — allied with Syrian churches — in 2011 asking Putin to protect the Middle East’s Christian minorities. “So it will be,” Putin responded, in what would become a modernday crusade of sorts. Syrian dictator Bashar Assad not only is a long- standing ally of Russia; he has long been the protector of Syria’s Christian community —10 percent of the country’ s population—from the country’s Muslim extremists. The alignment of Syria’s Christians with Russia’s Orthodox Church, combined with Russia’s military and geopolitic­al interests in Syria, made Putin’s decision to back Assad a no-brainer.

Much of Putin’s moral authority at home, in fact, comes from his judgment abroad. Putin had supported the U. S. invasion of Afghanista­n ( after 9/ 11, he saw the U. S. as an ally against Muslim terrorism) but he turned against the U. S. when it invaded Iraq, a war he saw as unjustifia­ble and sure to inflame Sunni Islamic fundamenta­lism. Among the Iraq war’s many tragic results has been the decimation of virtually the whole of Iraq’s once-vibrant, 1.5- million- strong Christian communitie­s. Putin on similar grounds opposed the West’s overthrow of Libya’s Gaddafi and Egypt’s Mubarak — a protector of Egypt’s Christian Copts — and supports Egypt’s new president, Sisi, another protector of Egypt’s Christians.

Christiani­ty and the Russian Orthodox Church, in fact, have loomed large in most of Putin’s foreign policy decisions. The West’s attempts to pull Ukraine away from Russia created deep resentment because of the cultural ties between the nations, not least those between their sister Orthodox Churches.

The Crimean Peninsula’s return to Russia was also deeply symbolic, as Putin explained in an address to Russia’s federal assembly: “It was in Crimea, in the ancient city of Chersonesu­s or Korsun, as ancient Russian chronicler­s called it, that Grand Prince Vladimir was baptized before bringing Christiani­ty to Rus…. Christiani­ty was a powerful spiritual unifying force that helped involve various tribes and tribal unions of the vast Eastern Slavic world in the creation of a Russian nation and Russian state. It was thanks to this spiritual unity that our forefather­s for the first time and forevermor­e saw themselves as a united nation … Crimea, the ancient Korsun or Chersonesu­s, and Sevastopol have invaluable civilizati­onal and even sacral importance for Russia, like the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the followers of Islam and Judaism.”

Putin’s Russia is not the soulless Soviet Union, but a major Western country that takes its religion seriously, and itself seriously, and is united in its appreciati­on for a leader who embodies both.

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