National Post

Capitalism is for lovers


Ross Douthat, who seems to have taken over as The New York Times’ house conservati­ve now that David Brooks is deep into the meaning of life, wrote in his column on Sunday about the emerging “post- liberal” challenge to ruling Western orthodoxie­s — the kind of orthodoxie­s supported daily on this page ( although some would even complain that they aren’t nearly orthodox enough).

Douthat argues that the Western system— “liberal, democratic, capitalist”— has been “essentiall­y unchalleng­ed from the inside for decades.” Challenged from the outside, yes, by fascism, communism and now radical Islam. But not challenged from within. That was the essence of “the end of history” argument in the 1990s. All the big questions about how societies should organize themselves supposedly had been answered. Communism was the last plausible challenger and when its collapse revealed how Marxist states had actually operated, that buried Marxism in the West, even if tenured professors have held out, like Japanese soldiers cowering unsurrende­red in Pacific island caves.

But now suddenly we’re living “History: The Sequel.” Douthat describes three streams of internal revolt: “the new radicals,” obsessing over identity and inequality; “the new reactionar­ies,” unhappy with diversity reforms the radicals regard as pitifully insufficie­nt; and “religious dissenters,” aggrieved by soulless secularism. Ironically, though all three groups quarrel with liberal consumeris­m, what has really juiced their influence is the financial crisis putting consumeris­m on hold.

Douthat stresses that so far “these are very marginal groups.” On the other hand, they have all the political energy at the moment: the “ideologica­l mainstream” has none. One phrase of Douthat’s that particular­ly struck me was a throwaway adjective in which he argues that in the long run these movements may actually help provide “corrective­s to a flattened view of human life.”

Reading “flattened” reminded me of Hamlet’s moaning in his second most f amous s oli loquy: “How weary, stale, flat and unprofitab­le seem to me all the uses of this world!”

Well, yes, liberal democratic capitalism has been through hard times recently and lots of people aren’t doing nearly as well as they had hoped, even if most, income- wise, are at least back to where they were before the crisis. But does liberalism really offer only a flattened view of human life?

It depends, I suppose, what you mean by liberalism. What I’ve always thought it meant is that people should be free as possible — there will always be some limits — to speak, write, invest, invent, create, contract and otherwise act and interact as they themselves see fit. There will be no official religion or outlook or ideology (except for liberalism itself ). The shape of the society and culture will emerge from the myriad free interactio­ns of all the people who make it up.

Architectu­rally speaking, I suppose that’s flat. There’s not much structure in such a society. No state-built cathedrals or grand common purposes, no ambitious spires or castles in the air. No one runs it all looking down from on high.

On the other hand, there’s no ceiling on it, either. If people want to climb, if their ambition inclines to vaulting, they can rise as high as their talent and drive take them. In the end, there will be plenty of verticalit­y, in all sorts of dimensions. It just won’t have been master-planned.

There will also be consumeris­m. Liberal capitalist society happens to be very good at producing goods and services, much better than all the social forms preceding it, so its citizens had best enjoy consuming.

But nothing in liberalism says consuming — or, for that matter, self- expressing — is all there is to life. Consuming goes too far if it becomes a religion. But lots of genuine religions can coexist with consuming. Love of others, love of various forms of God, love ( if you prefer) of Being and Now, none seems inconsiste­nt with consuming. It’s possible, surely, to enjoy a good meal, appreciate and maybe even own a beautifull­y crafted object, visit a faraway place, and also be a deep, rounded, caring person.

If you do want people to rise to their own chosen heights, is there really a better way than liberalism? In his 2013 book, Mass Flourishin­g, Edmund Phelps, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 2006, argues that the liberal, democratic capitalism of the last 150 years is what finally made real the ancient Greek ideal of the good life for hundreds of millions of people.

The one and only thing there’s no room for in liberal, democratic capitalism is The One and Only Thing. People who do have a One and Only Thing, be it their tribe, their god or their plan, probably do find liberalism flat and disappoint­ing. No one else should.


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