National Post

Partisan politics by other means

Prime minister appoints small-l liberals to Senate

- John I vi s on

You don’ t have to be a card- carrying Liberal to be named as an independen­t senator, but it appears increasing­ly as if you have a better chance of becoming one if you are a prominent small-l liberal.

Only one of the six new senators appointed to represent Ontario in the Senate is a regular contributo­r to the Liberal Party of Canada — former Scotiabank vicechairm­an Sarabjit Marwah has donated $ 2,400 to the party since 2010.

But a pattern is emerging. The list of 15 senators appointed in the past week by the Trudeau government is sprinkled with human rights activists, women’s issues experts and social workers.

They may not be swiveleyed partisans, in the manner of appointees in days gone by. And they are a massive improvemen­t on the Harper government’s habit of providing a second feast at the public trough for failed election candidates.

But stacking the Senate with fellow travellers is as sure to undermine its legitimacy as the previous tactic of providing a soft, erminecove­red landing for hacks, flacks and bagmen.

The new appointees are, doubtless, men and women of ability and i ntegrity.

But t heir associatio­ns with organizati­ons like the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund and the Associatio­n of Black Social Workers do not suggest diverse political opinion.

Marwah is the only representa­tive of the business c ommunity in t he new tranche and he’s a regular contributo­r to the Liberal party.

Senior Grits will splutter into their macchiato at the very idea political bias is at play, pointing out the latest list includes a former female head of the Canadian Associatio­n of Police Chiefs (Gwen Boniface) and the ex-head of the Ontario Securities Commission (Howard Wetston).

The case for the defence is that the recommenda­tions are made by an independen­t advisory board and based on merit.

Yet t he appointmen­ts are still made by the prime minister and we have no idea who was rejected. More than 2,700 people applied to fill the 21 vacancies in the 105-seat upper house.

Further, t he advisory board itself has all the hallmarks of a politicall­y homogeneou­s cabal — an elite band of Order of Canada recipients, academics, senior lawyers and charity workers.

The nominees were always going to mirror the appearance of those who nominated them.

The problem, of course, is how do you define political independen­ce? No two people could ever agree on how it can be achieved. But reaching, or at least appearing to reach, that state of grace is crucial at this juncture in the Senate’s history.

The British House of Lords has already gone down this road. The existence of unaligned “crossbench­ers” has changed the character of debates in the upper house.

Crossbench­ers act like a jury, sitting in judgment of the arguments made by opposing sides and have an important influence on the tone and even outcome of debates.

The Senate is entering a brave new post- Westminste­r world where the idea of a clear delineatio­n between government and opposition becomes a thing of the past.

By the time Justin Trudeau has finished, the independen­t senators will hold 44 seats, outnumberi­ng the 40 Conservati­ves and 21 independen­t Liberals.

As Sen. Stephen Greene and researcher Christophe­r Reed wrote recently, the death of the Westminste­r system should not be mourned.

“No l onger operating under the adversaria­l system of government versus opposition … the Senate can better fulfil the role the Fathers of Confederat­ion intended” — that is, a chamber removed from the electoral process and the short- term focus of the political arena.

But that works only if the appointmen­t process is seen as being beyond reproach.

After two batches of senatorial appointmen­ts, the concern is that we are about to see the continuati­on of partisan politics by other means.


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