National Post

Under attack


Re: Israel And Its Enemies, Charles Krauthamme­r; The Anti- Israel Virus At The UN, editorial, both, Oct. 29.

Charles Krauthamme­r has an amazing ability to foresee the ramificati­ons of political dangers for Israel. I do not understand why so many folks, who support Israel, vote for government­s that are more interested in pretending that the United Nations is capable of accomplish­ing much for the greater good. It is stuffed with politician­s and bureaucrat­s who are only interested in living a good life in New York, attending expensive overseas conference­s and pretending they can make a difference in the world. There are many small countries that have a vote and resent a successful, democratic state like Israel. I am embarrasse­d at our current prime minister pursuing the approval of this body. Anne Robinson, Toronto.

For years the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on ( and now the Palestinia­n Authority), Hamas, Iranian leaders, etc., have spoken of “driving all the Jews of Israel into the sea” and now teach this in many Palestinia­n schools, camps and mosques, and even monetarily reward young Arab Muslims for stabbing or running down Israelis. The aim of the UNESCO fiasco, as your editorial pointed out, is “to delegitimi­ze” Israelis’ presence” in their own land. When Jordan stole the West Bank, i ncluding Eastern Jerusalem, from the Palestinia­ns in 1948, it ethnically cleansed the land of Jews, as Charles Krauthamme­r noted.

Now, as PA President Mahmoud Abbas says repeatedly if there was a twostate solution in his Arab Palestine, there would be absolutely no Jews, even though, of course, the Israeli Arabs would be expected to be allowed to stay in Israel — which is their preference anyway. When Israel gave back Gaza, all the Arabs did was use it to fire rockets and build tunnels to attack Israel. Bottom line: they appear to want it all and no one seems to really care. Michael Pascoe, Toronto.

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