National Post

The essential carry-on collection when travelling.

Your essential carry-ons


You’re about to board a cramped vessel filled with recycled oxygen and barely edible food. You’ll be stuck in a narrow seat for several hours or more and everything you need to stave off insanity will need to fit in a bag no larger than 55 x 40 x 23 centimeter­s. Sound impossible? Well, as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy advised, “Don’t Panic.”

The key to avoid dying of boredom is to arm yourself with entertainm­ent. If you’re joining the Mile High Club, you need T&A, but for membership in the Long Flight Club, you want T&M, as in tunes and movies. Nothing is more important than being able to zone out, and that begins with a good pair of foldable noise-canceling headphones, such as Sony’s MDR-1000X, which are so good some reviewers say they trump competitor Bose; a tablet, preferably an iPad Pro 9.7 fully stocked with movies or a couple of seasons of your favourite shows; and your downloaded Spotify playlist. Prefer reading? Don’t you dare waste valuable space with an old school paper book. An e-reader — give the Kindle Oasis a whirl if you’re iPad-less — is the only way to travel light.

For nutrition, bring a bag of nuts, perhaps a couple of granola bars; Health Warrior makes a delicious Apple Cinnamon chia bar and is light and filling. An empty water bottle is a must, too. You can fill it on the plane and remain hydrated to help avoid that disgusting flight feeling. Speaking of which, sinus problem sufferers should pop an allergy pill such as a Sudafed Sinus Advance before boarding, and bring a nasal spray like Otrivin on board to stave off any head pressure. Stay fresh by packing a Radius Tour Travel toothbrush, which is ideal for nomads, a travel-sized tube of toothpaste and some face wipes.

Oh, and you may actually want to sleep, perchance to dream, at some point. Arm yourself with a Sleep Master eye mask and Original EarPlanes ear plugs for this task. If you have room in your bag, a neck pillow by Travelrest could save you hundreds in massage fees.

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