National Post

Future Leaders Awards

Recognizin­g women under the age of 30 who have distinguis­hed themselves early in their careers



BIO: A six-time award-winning serial entreprene­ur determined to empower more young women to choose a career in technology, Shereen Anis founded Kid Koder’z City, a tech-ed summer camp and afterschoo­l enrichment program, as well as tWEam Initiative­s Inc, Netwurxx and TutorPass. She’s been a speaker at TEDx UET Pakistan. Anis was recognized by Governor General David Johnston with the Caring Canadian Award and is a part of the 2016 Queen’s Young Leaders program.

EARLY AND LASTING LESSONS: “Refusing to fit in and maintainin­g my own unique identity while being the weird one has been my most prized lesson.” WHO I’D TRADE PLACES WITH FOR JUST ONE DAY: “Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo. Her perseveran­ce, tenacity and resilience in leading an arguably failing company is legendary. What makes her even more exceptiona­l is her ability to communicat­e personally, despite the toughest of times. This is how I see strong, powerful women leading across all industries.”


BIO: How do you create a life and build a career that will give you the opportunit­y to have a positive impact on the world stage? If you’re Véronique Jacques, you become a civil engineer and join the Canadian Armed Forces. Jacques is part of the Canadian contingent on Operation SOPRANO as part of the United Nations mission in the republic of South Sudan and, in July 2016, she became adjutant officer for the commander of base constructi­on engineerin­g in the St-Jean-surRicheli­eu region. This year, she won the Woman of Distinctio­n Award from the Montréal Y Foundation. EARLY AND LASTING LESSONS: “Do not postpone!”

ON BEING DESCRIBED AS POWERFUL: “I feel grateful to be recognized.” ON HOW TO RAISE YOUR VOICE: “Believe in yourself and keep going.” WHO I’D TRADE PLACES WITH FOR JUST ONE DAY: “The governor general. I would love to learn more about his work and represent Canada.”


BIO: Amélie T. Gouin was admitted to the Barreau du Quebec in 2012. Since joining Borden Ladner Gervais, she has worked in internatio­nal commercial arbitratio­n and is interested in class actions, real estate law, shareholde­rs’ recourses and fraud cases. She was French executive editor of the McGill Law Journal and for many years has been involved in the activities of the Young Chamber of Commerce of Montreal, where she serves on the board.

EARLY AND LASTING LESSONS: “Stay calm and carry on. You always find the time to get where you want to be.”

ON BEING DESCRIBED AS POWERFUL: “I just do my best to achieve what I want and to be satisfied by who I am and what I do.”

ON HOW TO RAISE YOUR VOICE: “I ‘raise my voice’ by bringing constructi­ve and concrete solutions to the table and by making sure that my actions talk for themselves.”


BIO: While completing her masters of science in medical biophysics, Amanda Khan designed and engineered the world’s first brain ventricle MRI phantom, a device that aids in the diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease. Khan is now at the University of Toronto’s world-renowned MD/PhD program, where she was elected the program’s first female president and as part of her doctoral research is developing a laparoscop­ic tool that automatica­lly prevents surgeons from exerting too much force on delicate body tissues. She was awarded the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarshi­p for this research.

EARLY AND LASTING LESSONS: “That you alone are on your own path in life and not to compare yourself to others.” WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO INCREASE GENDER EQUALITY IN MY INDUSTRY: “Advertise science and engineerin­g more towards women early, in high school and middle school.”


BIO: Sarah Jacobs Barrs has been in the event industry since 2007, specializi­ng in large-scale fundraisin­g events across North America and helping to raise millions of dollars for organizati­ons such as Mount Sinai Hospital and SickKids. Since joining Klick in early 2015, she has led the execution of numerous event concepts that have changed the face of health industry events, including the award-winning MUSE and Klick Ideas Exchange.

ON HOW TO RAISE YOUR VOICE: “Once you’ve establishe­d your credibilit­y in your craft, it’s easy to get people to listen, especially if you listen to them, too. Listening is an underrated aspect of having your voice heard.” WHO I’D TRADE PLACES WITH FOR JUST ONE DAY: “Angela Ahrendts, the former CEO of Burberry and now the only female senior vice-president at the world’s biggest tech giant, Apple. She’s revolution­izing what people already believe to be revolution­ary and she’s succeeding in style.”


BIO: Bailey Parnell is an award-winning digital marketer and businesswo­man with a passion and talent for helping people and brands tell their stories better. She recently founded SkillsCamp, which helps people and businesses develop the soft skills needed for profession­al success. Parnell also works in digital marketing at Ryerson University.

EARLY AND LASTING LESSONS: “Confidence is everything. Almost all soft skills we teach come back to confidence. Everyone has a different path to finding or maintainin­g it, but it’s critical to find how you can do that for yourself.” WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO INCREASE GENDER EQUAL

ITY IN MY INDUSTRY: “We need more leaders to follow in the footsteps of Glen Mazzara, a producer who realized women weren’t speaking up in his writer’s room and were being cut off when they did. He instituted a ‘no-interrupti­ons rule’ that significan­tly changed the dynamic. We have to be intentiona­lly inclusive, whether that’s specifical­ly asking quiet individual­s what they think or institutin­g equityprom­oting policies.”

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