National Post

Vote subsidy rewards bad behaviour

- Andrew Coyne

The trial of Socrates took place in two stages. In the first, t he j ur y of 500 Athenians was asked to decide whether he was guilty, as charged, of impiety and corrupting the youth. A majority found that he was.

In the second, the same jury was called upon to decide what penalty he should face. The prosecutio­n recommende­d death. Socrates, ever the provocateu­r, proposed that he be provided with free meals for life. The jury favoured the prosecutio­n’s suggestion by an increased majority, meaning some jurors who believed Socrates was innocent were neverthele­ss persuaded he should be put to death.

The moral of the story: be careful what you ask for.

If you thought Socrates had chutzpah, consider that the same basic argument — the appropriat­e penalty for offences against the public interest is permanent support at public expense — is now on offer as the “solution” to the Liberals’ mushroomin­g cash- f or- access scandal.

A number of commentato­rs have argued that the squalid practice of ministers of the Crown selling an hour or two of their company to well- heeled donors in exchange for sizeable contributi­ons to the party could be averted by the simple expedient of reviving the pervote subsidy on which the parties used to rely.

Understand what t his means. The Liberals, contrary to the prime minister’s own rules prohibitin­g, not merely the offer of preferenti­al access in exchange for donations to the party, but even the appearance of it, have been found to have made precisely such offers on dozens of occasions, with the prime minister leading the way. Moreover, contrary to the party’s earlier claims that no government business is ever discussed at these events, it is now admitted, by the prime minister himself, that in fact it often is, but that his own contributi­on to these discussion­s is limited to explaining Liberal policies in support of the middle class. It has even been reported that invitees have in some cases been asked to pay thousands of dollars more than the legal contributi­on limit.

And the penalty for all this clearly unethical and possibly illegal behaviour? To be awarded millions of dollars in public funding every year, the exact amount depending on how many votes the party obtained at the past election. To be sure, the other parties would also profit from the same arrangemen­t, but be in no doubt who the biggest beneficiar­ies would be.

If the Liberals seem peculiarly shameless in trading proximity to power for cash — no amount of bad press seems likely to persuade them to give it up — it may be because, as others have suggested, they have the most to lose if the practice were banned. Even today, five years after legislatio­n abolishing the per- vote subsidy was passed ( it was not fully eliminated until 2015) and more than a dozen years after corporate and union donations were first restricted, they struggle to compete with the Tories for individual contributi­ons.

Conversely, as the party with the largest number of votes in the past election and very likely the next, they would obviously have the most to gain from a subsidy pro- rated to support at the ballot box. All in all, they’d be happy to make the trade. But should the rest of us?

Leave aside the toxic history of the per- vote subsidy — whose chief past beneficiar­y, recall, was the Bloc Québécois, who raised next to no funds on their own — or the offensiven­ess in principle of forcing people to foot the bill for a party to which they may have the most violent personal objections ( an argument that applies not just to the per- vote subsidy, but also the fantastic regime of tax credits for donations and reimbursem­ent of expenses the parties have arranged for themselves).

Think, rather, of the precedent that would be set. At worst it would amount to rewarding the Liberals for a practice that borders on influence- peddling; at best, we would be paying them to stop. Paying people not to do something illegal or unethical is not usually considered good public policy. Most often, it is referred to as ransom.

And like any ransom payment, it entails some unfortunat­e incentives. How long before the Liberals, or some other party, decided the pervote subsidy was not enough, and that unless they were given still more they would be forced, I mean absolutely *forced*, to resume pimping out their most prominent figures for cash? That’s a nice little campaign finance regime you got there. Pity if anything should happen to it.

The premise, as always, is that the parties have some fixed amount they must raise one way or another; the present argument, that unless they are provided it out of the public purse they will inevitably turn to a life of crime, is built, however wobbly, on this foundation. But the premise is as false as the logic. The parties have no objective amount they must raise. The only reason each raises, and spends, as much as it does now is because the others do. Absolutely nothing would be lost by prohibitin­g cabinet ministers from attending such fundraiser­s; even less would be lost by prohibitin­g fundraiser­s altogether; and still less would be lost if contributi­on limits were substantia­lly lowered. All of these are defensible on their own. None requires that it be “offset” by public subsidy.

If the propositio­n is that we need to “get the money out of politics,” let’s get serious about it, not just substitute public money for private. As Socrates might have observed, in political ethics as in economics, there’s no free lunch.

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