National Post

Obama joined the jackals

Decisions on Manning, Israel reveal his nature

- Charles Krauthamme­r

Barack Obama did not go out quietly. His unquiet final acts were, in part, overshadow­ed by a successor who refused to come in quietly and, in part, by Obama’s own endless, sentimenta­l farewell tour. But there was nothing nostalgic or sentimenta­l about Obama’s last acts. Two of them were simply shocking.

Perhaps we should have known. At the 2015 White House correspond­ents’ dinner, he joked about whether he had a bucket list: “Well, I have something that rhymes with bucket list.”

Turns out, he wasn’t kidding. Commuting the sentence of Chelsea Manning, one of the great traitors of our time, is finger-in-the-eye willfulnes­s. Obama took 28 years off the sentence of a soldier who stole and then released through WikiLeaks almost half a million military reports plus a quartermil­lion State Department documents.

The cables were embarrassi­ng; the military secrets were almost certainly deadly. They jeopardize­d the lives not just of American soldiers on two active fronts — Iraq and Afghanista­n — but of locals who were, at great peril, secretly aiding and abetting us. After Manning’s documents release, the Taliban “went on a killing spree” ( according to intelligen­ce sources quoted by Fox News) of those who fit the descriptio­n of individual­s working with the United States.

Moreover, we will be involved in many shadowy conflicts throughout the world. Locals will have to choose between us and our enemies. Would you choose a side that is so forgiving of a leaker who betrays her country — and you?

Even the word “leaker” is misleading. “Leak” makes it sound like a piece of informatio­n a whistleblo­wer gives Woodward and Bernstein to expose misdeeds in high office.

This was nothing of the sort. It was the indiscrimi­nate dumping of a mountain of national security secrets certain to bring harm to American troops, allies and interests.

Obama considered Man- ning’s 35- year sentence excessive. On the contrary. It was lenient. Manning could have been — and in previous ages, might well have been — hanged for such treason. Now she walks after seven years.

What makes this commutatio­n so spectacula­rly in- your- face is its hypocrisy. Here is a president who spent weeks banging the drums over the harm inflicted by WikiLeaks with its release of stolen materials and emails during the election campaign. He demanded a report immediatel­y. He imposed sanctions on Russia. He preened about the sanctity of the American political process.

Over what? What exactly was released? A campaign chairman’s private emails and Democratic National Committee chatter, i.e., campaign gossip, backbiting, indiscreti­ons and cynicism.

The usual stuff, embarrassi­ng but not dangerous. No national security secrets, no classified material, no exposure of anyone to harm, just to ridicule and opprobrium.

The other l ast- minute Obama bombshell occurred four weeks earlier when, for the first time in nearly a halfcentur­y, the United States abandoned Israel on a crucial Security Council resolution, allowing the passage of a condemnati­on that will plague both Israel and its citizens for years to come.

After eight years of reassuranc­e, Obama seized the chance — free of political accountabi­lity for himself and his potential Democratic successor — to do perma- nent damage to Israel. ( The U. S. has no power to reverse the Security Council resolution.)

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the U. S. ambassador to the UN who went on to be a great Democratic senator, once argued passionate­ly that in the anti- American, anti- democratic swamp of the UN, America should act unwavering­ly in opposition and never give in to the jackals. Obama joined the jackals.

Why? To curry f avour with the internatio­nal left? After all, Obama leaves office as a relatively young man of 55. His next chapter could very well be as a leader on the internatio­nal stage, perhaps at the UN (secretary-general?) or some transnatio­nal ( ostensibly) human rights organizati­on. What better demonstrat­ion of bona fides than a gratuitous attack on Israel? Or the about- face on Manning and WikiLeaks? Or the freeing of a still unrepentan­t Puerto Rican terrorist, Oscar Lopez Rivera, also pulled off with three days remaining in his presidency.

A more likely explanatio­n, however, is that these are acts not of calculatio­n but of authentici­ty. This is Obama being Obama. He leaves office as he came in: a man of the left, but possessing the intelligen­ce and discipline to suppress his more radical instincts. As of Nov. 9, 2016, suppressio­n was no longer necessary.

We’ v e just gotten a glimpse of his real self. From now on, we shall see much more of it.

 ?? NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? The final acts of U. S. President Barack Obama confirm, according to Charles Krauthamme­r, that he is a man of the left, but possessing the intelligen­ce and discipline to suppress his more radical instincts. Post- election, he is under no compulsion to suppress them.
NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / GETTY IMAGES The final acts of U. S. President Barack Obama confirm, according to Charles Krauthamme­r, that he is a man of the left, but possessing the intelligen­ce and discipline to suppress his more radical instincts. Post- election, he is under no compulsion to suppress them.
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