National Post

The Comedian

De Niro veers off course with The Comedian

- Chris Knight

Did you hear the one about the elderly insult comic who met a much younger woman but was still miserable? No, you haven’ t, because it’ s not funny. But someone in charge of making this movie clearly thought otherwise.

Who to blame? The Comedian featured 29 producers who could have, I don’t know, been off plotting to kill Caesar, but chose to make this film instead. There were four writers, one of them (Richard LaGravenes­e) Oscar- nominated for The Fisher King, another ( Jeffrey Ross) known for hosting celebrity roasts. And there was director Taylor Hackford, who made An Officer and a Gentleman and, more recently, the biopic Ray. So we know they can do good work — just not in this case.

But I’m going to lay the blame on Robert De Niro, who has been trying to get The Comedian off the ground since this decade began, and whose career of late is behaving like a badly programmed GPS; every time you think it knows where it’s going (Silver Linings Playbook) it surprises you by driving off a cliff (Dirty Grandpa). The Comedian falls in the second category, very steep and quite high.

De Niro stars as comedian Jackie Burke. Decades ago, Jackie played the title character in a sitcom called Eddie’s Home. Even now, not a day goes by without someone requesting ( or worse, imi- tating) Eddie’s catchphras­e, “Hey Arlene!” ( Robert “You talkin’ to me” De Niro clearly knows what this feels like.)

Jackie’s shtick these days is to insult his audience, not unlike Don Rickles or Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. But one night a heckler gets the better of him, and he clocks the guy with a microphone.

The judge gives him 100 hours of community service, leading me to suspect that this is a movie about how hilarious that can be.

Nope. Jackie then gets 30 days in jail for contempt of court, leading me to suspect that this is a movie about hilarious THAT can be.

Nope. Along the way Jackie meets fellow community servicer Harmony Schultz, played by Leslie Mann, and what comes of that is a movie about how hilarious that can be. Or more precisely, how hilarious that can’t be. I don’t know if you saw The Intern, but if you did you were pleas- antly surprised that De Niro’s relationsh­ip with the much younger Anne Hathaway remained firmly platonic. No such surprises here.

In fact, there are very few surprises, pleasant or otherwise, in the film’s interminab­le two-hour running time. Jackie’s fortunes rise and fall based on how his behaviour plays in the public arena, with his agent ( Edie Falco) at one point crowing “You’re viral again!” in a way that suggests none of the screenwrit­ers are quite sure what “viral” means. ( Incidental­ly, the video in question, a parody of an old jazz standard retitled “Makin’ Poopie,” wouldn’t go viral if you injected it with smallpox.)

The cast is filled out with thankless roles for the likes of Danny DeVito, Harvey Keitel and Cloris Leachman, and cameos by funny people like Gilbert Gottfried, Billy Crystal and Jimmie Walker, none of whom are allowed to be funny in this film. This is a disappoint­ment, but at least it keeps things consistent.Ω

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