National Post

The NDP keeps on slipping in polls and in policy.

- Den Tandt,

Not so long ago, Thomas Mulcair’s New Democrats c a mpaigned on a broadly centrist platform, buttressed by a common-sense pledge: A federal NDP government would provide responsibl­e, competent public administra­tion.

It was hardly a call to arms by Che Guevara, or Ed Broadbent for that matter. But it was a handy tagline for a party wishing to trade protest for power. Reassuranc­e, solidity and dependabil­ity were the watchwords as Mulcair, cast by his team as a battle- tested Obi-Wan in contrast to the inexperien­ced Justin Trudeau and the dour Stephen Harper, set his sights on the big job.

Heading into the 78- day campaign, still aglow from Rachel Notley’s victory for the NDP in Alberta a few months prior, Mulcair held the lead, narrowly. Anything was possible.

How things have changed. Just 15.7 per cent of eligible voters would choose the NDP today, compared with 32.4 per cent for the Tories and 40.9 per cent for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, according to poll aggregator ThreeHundr­

What’s more, the data is the least of it. As policy goes, this is a party in retreat from the mainstream.

For instance: The hyperventi­lation in the House of Commons over the Liberals’ climb-down on electoral reform has been a marvel. B.C. MP Nathan Cullen has led the field, passionate­ly excoriatin­g Trudeau f or abandoning his oft-repeated promise to scrap Canada’s first- past- the- post electoral system. The fun continued Thursday in the Commons, in opposition-day debate. The Liberals, the New Democrats aver, must apologize. Apologize!

This is not the language of desired policy outcomes, but of embarrassm­ent. The goal is to raise a hue and cry, stir public opprobrium. Presumably this means New Democrats think Canadians are open to being outraged, in great numbers, by the fact we’re not about to spend the next two years in a lather over the distinctio­ns between proportion­al, mixed-member proportion­al and ranked ballot. Really?

The government will take a hit for this, certainly. But only someone sealed in a hyperbaric chamber, or the Parliament­ary precinct, would argue this is fuel for discontent among the millions of Canadians who did not attend any of the 39 public meetings held last year by the House Electoral Reform Committee.

There were 571 written briefs and 731 witnesses in that exercise, all certainly worthy of note. The committee ultimately judged proportion­al representa­tion would be a better system for Canada than the status quo. It may well have been correct in this. But the committee is not the country.

From the start, there was only going to be one lever to push through such wholesale reform, over the objections of those who favour the status quo. That is a referendum, in which a clear majority of respondent­s – say 60 per cent – opted for a specific, new system. Achieving a consensus would require a full- on push, tantamount to an election campaign, by someone — not the Liberals, possibly, because a big push for their preferred option, the ranked ballot, would have appeared cravenly opportunis­tic.

Now, let’s shift our gaze. Europe is in turmoil; Russia is on the march in Ukraine; China is restless in the South China Sea. And the North American trilateral partnershi­p is at risk. The federal cabinet is all hands on deck, its attention fixed laser- like on Washington D.C.

But by all means, let’s pick now to have a fractious debate over the electoral system that, in the unlikely event it achieves the desired outcome, will set the stage for profound change here, too. Hmm.

Elsewhere on the NDP policy map, it’s a similar story; reflexive hurtling away from the concerns of Main Street, towards the ideologica­l.

In Rachel Notley, the NDP have a nationally popular provincial leader, trying hard to push a new oil pipeline to tidewater within the rubric of environmen­tal sustainabi­lity; in other words to deliver something like what Mulcair once offered via his early support for the Energy East pipeline plan. That’s forgotten now, lost in the wash of monochroma­tic, anti- pipeline cant. Oil is Canada’s largest export.

Which brings us to trade. Canadians are fixated on U.S. President Donald Trump. For most working people, certainly anyone in an exportdriv­en industry, that resolves to worries about the Canada-U. S. border, and whether it can remain open to the safe, easy passage of goods and people, despite surging protection­ism.

In t his environmen­t, greater diversity in trade is in Canada’s interest. Free trade overtures to Japan and India, for example, should be top of mind.

Where does t he NDP stand? Pre-2015 Mulcair was moderately pro- trade. But following his loss in 2015, and now events down south, the current mood in the party is a reversion to old form — walls and barriers.

It’s difficult to spot, in any of this, the party that toiled so hard to come in from the cold, under a pragmatic populist named Jack Layton. The NDP is to choose Mulcair’s successor in October. There are, as yet, no registered candidates.

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Tom Mulcair presides over a party that has the support of just 15.7 per cent of eligible voters, compared with 32.4 per cent for the Tories and 40.9 per cent for Trudeau’s Liberals.
ADRIAN WYLD / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Tom Mulcair presides over a party that has the support of just 15.7 per cent of eligible voters, compared with 32.4 per cent for the Tories and 40.9 per cent for Trudeau’s Liberals.
 ?? Michael Den Tandt ??
Michael Den Tandt

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