National Post

Bob Rae as anti-union crusader


Weird things happen in politics, and the spectre of Bob Rae characteri­zing unions as greedy organizati­ons that are only out for their members definitely falls within that category. Rae is 68 now and appears to have moved a long way from his political roots since he served as the New Democratic Party premier of Ontario, and later as the interim leader of the federal Liberals. Maybe we should be expecting him to jump into the contest to replace Stephen Harper as Conservati­ve leader. It certainly would liven up what has been a lugubrious competitio­n.

Rae let his current view on organized l abour be known when he tweeted a curt rejoinder to comments he heard on a morning radio program (CBC of course — he hasn’t strayed that far) regarding the prolonged standoff between the Ontario government and its disgruntle­d doctors. Ontario’s doctors have been without a contract for almost three years, have twice seen their fees unilateral­ly cut by the government, and recently staged a revolt against the leadership of the Ontario Medical Associatio­n, which acts as its bargaining agent

Evidently peeved while listening to Dr. Nadi Alam, one of the leaders of the revolt, Rae tweeted: “On @metromorni­ng doctor kept saying “we’re fighting for better health care” — OMA is a union fighting for higher incomes for docs. Period.”

Naturally, his outburst provoked a swift response of snarkiness online. But there may be a legitimate kernel to the criticism. Is Bob Rae seriously unfamiliar with what unions do? Or, after a lifetime in politics, has he finally come to the conclusion that, whatever it is unions do, it’s not wholly in the public interest?

The OMA isn’t a union per se, but acts in a similar manner, advocating for the medical profession and fighting with the government over precious funding. The latest round of talks have been particular­ly bitter, as the Liberals struggle to get a handle on their spending in time for the next election. Since a strike is unlikely, Health Minister Eric Hoskins has seen fit to take a tough line, publicly suggesting some doctors are simply greedy while watching the OMA collapse into internal bickering.

You might agree with Rae that the doctors are only out for themselves. But what union isn’t? Does he suppose that teachers unions — which fought with his NDP government just as they’ve fought with every government since — are really only interested in the students? That police unions, which have pushed their benefits and compensati­on relentless­ly higher no matter how much stress their demands put on municipal government­s, think only of the public good? That firefighte­rs in many communitie­s aren’t grossly overpaid because of the union clout they carry? Or that the swollen bureaucrac­ies in Ottawa and provinces across the land are better paid and pensioned than the private sector because their unions think solely about the well-being of the taxpayer?

Consider the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. The fact the Post Office still exists, in a world of email and social networks, is a peculiarit­y in itself. Logic would suggest it should be in the midst of a prolonged winding down, reflecting the collapse in traditiona­l mail usage and the massive overstaffi­ng represente­d by its 54,000 members. Yet as recently as last summer its members were threatenin­g a strike over their pay demands. Canada Post said the uncertaint­y cost it $ 100 million in the third quarter of last year. Not a cent of it was in the interests of the public.

Rae has reason to be more cynical of unions than the average “progressiv­e.” His term as premier is still tainted by the memory of “Rae Days,” when organized labour rebelled at his effort to reduce expenditur­es by forcing unpaid leave on public employees. The unions deserted him, and it’s Ontario’s Liberals who now benefit from union backing in return for friendly treatment from Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals. Ironically, Rae too subsequent­ly moved on to the Liberals.

Whether Rae has gone sour on unions in general, or just doctors, wasn’t clear from his tweet. “(Alam)’s not asking for money for health care, but for members. That’s fine, but don’t dress it up as something it isn’t,” he later told the Toronto Star. Which could be said for teachers, police, posties or any other public service union that insists its members’ pay demands are motivated solely by concern for the taxpayer.

They say that with age comes wisdom, though politics isn’t always the best example of that. Perhaps, as one progressiv­e to another, Rae could share his insights on union self- interest with his friend the prime minister, as the Trudeau Liberals seek contracts with unions representi­ng hundreds of thousands of federal employees, many of whom perform functions far less essential than most doctors.


 ?? Kelly McParland ??
Kelly McParland

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