National Post

The Liberals’ refugee crisis

- William Watson

Uh-oh. Over the weekend Nicholas Kristof ’s column in The New York Times bore the headline: “Canada, leading the free world.”

Now, as everyone knows, The New York Times is a “failing” newspaper, a “seriously failing” newspaper, a “back- of- the- pack, dying” newspaper and on top of that “Not nice!” Those, of course, are t he categoriza­tions of it by candidate, President- elect and now President Donald J. Trump. The Times’ real- time tracking of Trump’s insults reports he has referred to the paper as “failing” at least 39 different times. But even if the Times is “losing thousands of subscriber­s” and has “dwindling subscriber­s and readers,” Trump’s almost daily insults indicate he himself still reads it. So he almost certainly saw the “Canada leading” headline.

Canada- U. S. relations always depend at least a little on the psychologi­es of the two countries’ leaders. In practice, Trump seems to be doing everything he can to abdicate the U. S.’s postwar role as leader of the free world. But he has such an aversion to losing that, even though he may not want the job himself, he won’t like it one bit that someone else gets it.

Mind you, t he switch might have occurred a while ago: After our 2015 election Peggy Noonan wrote in The Wall Street Journal that “an interestin­g question for history is who was the real leader of the West the past halfdozen years, Angela Merkel of Germany or Canada’s Stephen Harper.”

If the president got even a paragraph into Kristof ’s column, he would have seen i t was mainly about our leadership (compared to the U. S., at least) on refugees. We’re not necessaril­y more enlightene­d than other nations, Kristof argues, and we have our share of bigots and haters, as the Quebec City shooting made clear (when was the last time six Muslims were murdered in the U. S.?). But our intake of Syrian refugees was much greater than the U. S.’s, especially when you consider we have onetenth the population. Some things we’re doing right.

So what does President Trump think when he reads about the flood of refugees i nto Canada, many from Syria and his seven blackliste­d countries? ( OK, it’s not a flood, but he lives by exaggerati­on.) He probably thinks, or Steve Bannon thinks for him, that it’s time to thicken the Canada- U. S. border. Maybe not build a wall— although some Canadians might be thinking that as more and more refugees walk up from the States even in the dead of winter (and “dead” is the right term for it in Manitoba in midFebruar­y). But he would certainly think about being more careful screening at the U. S.’s northern border, its potentiall­y leaky roof, for what’s the point of getting tough on people going directly to the U. S. from failed nations if they can get there through Canada?

We obviously shouldn’t change our refugee policy j ust because President Trump doesn’t like it. But we’d better work as hard as we can to make sure people we let in aren’t bad or don’t turn bad once here. We got enough grief for the fake factoid that the 9/ 11 madmen came through Canada. If some future terrorist really does enter from Canada, that would be bad enough in itself, even without considerin­g the repercussi­ons at the border.

Accept Kristof ’s premise for a moment. Suppose we are leading the free world. Where do we, shining city on a snow bank, want to take it?

Are we progressiv­e, standing for a non-discrimina­ting but also essentiall­y undiscrimi­nating mushy cultural relativism and not much else? Feel free to come here and be whatever you will and don’t mind too much what we locals think. Or will we be liberals, planting our flag on individual freedom, open borders, free trade and restrained government?

It is more than rich that it falls to the Liberal party to defend low tariffs and open borders. Through the 1970s, Pierre Trudeau practiced, albeit less boorishly, an economic nationalis­m not unlike Trumpism, while in 1988 John Turner led the party in outright opposition to free trade with the United States.

Going farther back in Liberal history, however, in 1911 their greatest leader, Wilfrid Laurier, campaigned for free trade with the U. S., although he lost to protection­ist Tories. But history can take strange turns and America’s retreat from the openness it has championed since 1934 is not just a turn but a careening.

In 2017, the Liberals’ biggest donors get membership in the Laurier Club, which Sir Wilfrid himself founded 99 years ago. Let’s hope that in leading the world, Justin Trudeau stays true to Laurier’s free-trading liberalism, not his father’s economic nationalis­m.


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