National Post



The world isn’t doing enough to help workers and communitie­s damaged by free trade, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organizati­on say. In a report Monday, the three groups repeated their longstandi­ng view that free trade spreads broad economic benefits. Open markets and increased competitio­n can help poor countries rise from poverty, reduce prices and force companies and countries to become more efficient. But drawing on recent research, they admit that those who lose out in global competi- tion can be hit harder and suffer longer than previously understood. The organizati­ons want countries to make it easier for people to switch careers or move where jobs are, and in some cases to provide insurance for lost wages. The report comes amid a backlash against globalizat­ion in the U.S. and Europe. U. S. President Donald Trump was elected after promising to renegotiat­e or tear up trade agreements and to consider trade sanctions against countries that use what he calls unfair trade practices.

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