National Post



- Colby Cosh

Every field of human activity or thought has its liberals and its conservati­ves: this is as true of diet science as it is of NHL fandom or appliance design or poker. This week a trio of renowned cardiologi­sts has made world headlines with an editorial appearing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Their short article was meant to stir up trouble, trouble they surely welcome. It is intentiona­lly radical, born from frustratio­n with the persistenc­e of harmful myths about food.

You are probably a prisoner of these myths, as I am. If you still look slightly askance at an egg because of the “cholestero­l” in it, or if you have recently described or thought of a hamburger as “artery-clogging,” you are in the trap. “The conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe,” say the BJSM cardiologi­sts, “is just plain wrong.”

Most of us grew up with, and have not surrendere­d, a folk version of that model: saturated fats in dairy and meat raise your cholestero­l, which then settles into your arteries like a sludge and makes you die young and miss your kids’ graduation­s.

But most of the theoretica­l links that went into the old diet- heart model have been discredite­d or become uncertain. Doctors have learned to distinguis­h between levels of “bad” and “good” cholestero­l when assessing patients for cardiovasc­ular risk. And plenty of theoretici­ans now doubt whether there is any point at all in nutritiona­l recommenda­tions about cholestero­l consumptio­n. Coronary thrombosis is caused by cholestero­l deposits in the walls of one’s arteries, but, as the authors of the BJSM editorial say, the way in which they cause harm is more like the bursting of a pimple than a “clogging”— which is why preventive arterial stenting for cardiovasc­ular health has not panned out well.

The BJSM editorial mentions two legendary papers that appeared in the British Medical Journal in February 2013 and April 2016. These papers are already landmarks of epidemiolo­gy. They were written by a team of researcher­s who have been going back to major diet-heart studies of the past and retrieving the original data from dusty folders and magnetic tapes, in order to review them using contempora­ry analytical techniques. They are, in short, cold- case detectives.

Their first target was the Sydney Diet Heart Study (1966-73), in which 458 middle- aged coronary patients were split into a control group and an experiment­al group. The latter group was fed loads of “healthy” safflower oil and safflower margarine in place of saturated fats. Even at the time it was noticed that the margarinee­aters died sooner, although their total cholestero­l levels went down: the investigat­ors sort of shrugged and wrote that heart patients “are not a good choice for testing the lipid hypothesis.” Their data, looked at now, shows that the increased mortality in the margarine group was attributab­le specifical­ly to heart problems.

The team’s reanalysis of the Minnesota Coronary Experiment ( 1968-73) is more hair- raising. This study involved nearly 10,000 Minnesotan­s at old-age homes and mental hospitals. The investigat­ors had near- complete control of the subjects’ diets, and were able to autopsy the ones who died. But much of their data, including the autopsy results, ended up misplaced or ignored. Some of it disappeare­d into a master’s thesis by a young statistici­an, now a retired older chap, who helped with the 2016 paper and is named at its head as one of the authors.

In the Minnesota study, replacemen­t of saturated fats with corn oil led, again, to reductions in total cholestero­l. This finding was touted at major conference­s, and it became one of the key moments in the creation of the classic diet-heart myth. This time nobody but the guy who wrote the thesis even noticed that the patients in the corn oil group were, overall, dying a little faster. The 2016 re-analysis uncovered a dose-response relationsh­ip: the more the patients’ total cholestero­l decreased, the faster they died.

The Sydney and Minnesota studies themselves may have caused a few premature deaths, which is a possibilit­y we accept as the price of science. But the limitation­s and omissions of the researcher­s, and the premature commitment of doctors to a total-cholestero­l model, helped create a suspicion of saturated fats. This flooded into frontline medical advice and the wider culture, and it put margarine on millions of tables, pushed consumers toward deadly trans fats, and put millions of people with innately high cholestero­l levels through useless diet austerity. The scale of the error is numbing, unfathomab­le.

The cardiologi­sts who wrote the new paper have updated advice for eaters: try the “Mediterran­ean diet,” which allows for lots of olive oil, fat- rich nuts, and oily fish. And engage often in brisk walks. Don’t count fat; don’t fret over what kind of fat you’re getting, per se. Just go for walks and eat real food.

Naturally, the authors are facing a backlash from “conservati­ves,” attached to the old ways. The detractors worry that the Mediterran­ean diet is easy to get wrong outside the Mediterran­ean. They fret that people will perceive the death of the saturated- fat myth as a licence to eat ice cream until they explode. It is not so much an argument about the facts as it is about “messaging.” Which is depressing­ly typical when it comes to nutritiona­l science.

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