National Post

China trade syndrome


Canadians are taking a lesson about the risks of putting a free- trade deal in the hands of a nationalis­tic, megalomani­ac champion of alternativ­e economic facts by racing towards an even worse version of it. The second round of explorator­y free- trade talks just wrapped up in Ottawa between officials from Canada and China, a country that was into government-enforced economic chauvinism and bullying trade postures long before they were cool in America.

The more U. S. president Donald Trump threatens to make our economy his number one target, with tariffs on our lumber, penalties looming for our shenanigan­s in dairy marketing and warnings he’ll tear up NAFTA, the more urgently Canadians want to sign up for a similar arrangemen­t with the Donald Trump of Asia. Except, in a few years, one way or another, Trump will be gone. China’s run as a nationalis­tic megalomani­ac champion of alternativ­e economic facts is now in its seventh decade.

Naturally, any country shrewd and bold enough to literally construct islands in the Pacific Ocean to fortify its global dominance would sense the opportunit­y to strengthen its industrial power amid the current anti-globalizat­ion panic. Sure enough, there was Chinese president Xi Jinping turning up at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year, the first time any Chinese leader had. His speech, reporters gushed, was an “attack on the anti- globalizat­ion rhetoric that has led to the election of Donald Trump as U. S. president and the Brexit vote in Britain.” Xi, we were told, “seize(d) the role as leader on globalizat­ion.”

Here in Canada, China’s recently appointed ambassador, Lu Shaye, has been championin­g a deal with Canada, as he does in a piece elsewhere in FP Comment today. Lu used a recent speech to cite the “more complicate­d global picture” as evidence that a free- trade agreement between our two countries has gained “greater significan­ce to both sides.” Last week, Canada’s finance and internatio­nal trade ministers joined China’s vice premier Wang Ying for a private Chinese banquet to work on “mutually beneficial co-operation” and the countries’ “commitment to progressiv­e trade.”

But the sort of agreements that come from ministeria­l summits and multiple rounds of negotiatio­ns are never truly free trade. Rather, they’re tactically crafted arrangemen­ts where countries bargain for openness where they feel they can press an advantage while writing hundreds of pages of exemptions and loopholes for industries they seek to protect.

Canada’s as guilty as anyone. Since B. C. and Ontario slapped foreign-buyers taxes on real estate — conspicuou­sly aimed at blocking Chinese capital — and Ottawa caved to populist fears in capping China’s investment in resource firms, we’ve only begun identifyin­g the long list of sectors where Canadians will demand protection from those predatory Chinese who would pay us too much money for our assets and sell us more affordable goods. It’s easy to imagine the xenophobia waiting to be whipped up by the dairy cartel should anyone consider importing communist cheese.

And China’s protection­ism is bound to prove worse. President Xi’s “Made in China 2025” initiative explicitly deploys trade barriers to ensure Chinese industries control at least 80 per cent of their domestic market in 10 industrial sectors. When foreign companies want to build plants there, China requires them to partner in local joint ventures, and share their technologi­es; they require that companies build R&D facilities in China, too. Meanwhile, Beijing has used its courts to shakedown Qualcomm on fake “monopoly” charges to arrange sweetheart licensing deals for local manufactur­ers, and has subjected Apple and Google to arbitrary shutdowns.

Ambassador Lu writes in FP Comment that Canadians need not fear China’s state- owned enterprise­s, or widely documented allegation­s of its corporate high- tech espionage. But research from a U. S. bipartisan commission in 2013 alleged that Chinese companies had stolen over US$200 billion worth of secrets from American businesses.

Would Beijing really be willing to bargain away all its protection­ist rules and high-handed incursions for better trade with Canada? It is a mystery, after all, what exactly Canadians think the Chinese so badly want to buy from us in such vast quantities that they don’t already. Lu writes that our oil isn’t competitiv­e enough to be of interest any longer, and resource commoditie­s largely move globally free of tariffs anyway. China still restricts our beef, over a 13- yearold mad cow scare, and last year suddenly decided our canola exports were too “impure” to accept anymore, before it changed its mind, with Trump- like capricious­ness, and allowed partial imports following entreaties from Canadian officials.

So it’s not likely any deal with China would spare our exporters any more than NAFTA does from the temperamen­tal orders of a fickle government. But the U. S. at least has a record of abiding by trade law. It’s unclear how any deal could be enforced with a country that sees the legal system as a weapon to be deployed to aid its industrial policy. China has been widely criticized for reneging on commitment­s it made when it joined the World Trade Organizati­on, like failing to open markets to foreign communicat­ion firms, to reform its state-owned enterprise­s, to reduce export subsidies and to treat foreign banks fairly. The Informatio­n Technology and Innovation Foundation, an independen­t American think tank, reported in 2015 that rather than “abiding by the rules and norms of the WTO system” China was using the WTO “as a shield to protect its innovative mercantili­st policies,” which have worsened since it joined in 2001.

Trump might threaten to tear NAFTA, But a China deal probably wouldn’t be worth the paper. Most Canadians probably don’t really want free trade with China, but if they do, they won’t find it in a complicate­d deal full of unenforcea­ble technical rules and carve- outs indulging China’s distinct economic culture, ripe for game- playing to favour its state-owned and state-championed industries. Better to just drop all Canada’s barriers and be done with it. If the Chinese want to subsidize the products we buy and pay over-market prices for our assets, let them.

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