National Post



- Tom Blackwell

The article is a single paragraph long, five sentences and 100 words, the bylines and pair of footnotes taking up almost as much space as the paper itself.

But there is new evidence that the curt research “letter” published in 1980 in one of the world’s most prominent medical journals has played a remarkable role in stoking North America’s deadly prescripti­on-opioid crisis.

The blurb in the New England Journal of Medicine stated unambiguou­sly that patients hardly ever become addicted to narcotic painkiller­s.

And it has been cited in other journal papers — usually positively — more than 600 times since it was published, a new Canadian study documents.

That would be highly unusual for a fullblown research paper and “unthinkabl­e” for a letter, say the authors from Toronto’s Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.

They found the citations peaked in the late 1990s and early 2000s, as the drug Oxy-Contin was rolled out and specialist­s — often funded by opioid manufactur­ers — widely promoted the notion that narcotic painkiller­s were a safe, effective option for people with chronic, noncancer pain.

Such drugs had previously been reserved mainly for terminal cancer patients.

“It was critical to the genesis and propagatio­n of the crisis,” said Dr. David Juurlink, lead author of the new study and a clinical toxicologi­st at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. “The key thing about this paper … is that it was leveraged to destigmati­ze opioid use.”

Indeed, Canadians’ consumptio­n of the medicines took off, making this country second only to the U. S. in per- capita ingestion of narcotics.

At the same time, addiction and overdose deaths have reached epidemic proportion­s, and what started as a medical phenomenon is now a thriving street practice, too.

“It really is a very powerful illustrati­on of what I think is the greatest scandal in modern medical history,” Dr. Mel Kahan, an ad- dictions expert at Toronto’s Women’s College Hospital, said about the new study. “This is a lesson. Thousands of people have died as a result of doctors’ prescripti­ons.”

Dr. Jeffrey Drazen, editor of the New England Journal, said the letter’s conclusion­s may have been somewhat overstated, but argued the main problem was how it was misinterpr­eted by others over the years.

Its posting on the journal website will now include a notice about that misuse and a link to the Juurlink article, he said in an interview.

But, Drazen added, “it’s impossible to know what role this has had in the opioid epidemic. It’s a very multi-faceted thing.”

The 1980 article by Dr. Herschel Jick and a colleague at the Boston University Medical Center, called “Addiction rare in patients t reated with narcotics,” examined 11,882 patients with no history of drug- dependency who received at least one narcotic while in hospital.

They f ound only f our cases of addiction.

Yet the letter contained no informatio­n about the methodolog­y used and measured addiction only by looking at hospital records, not assessing each patient carefully, noted Juurlink.

And then the paper was invoked in articles and talks as evidence for giving opioids long- term to patients with chronic pain — not just a few doses while in hospital, he said.

Jick himself later acknowledg­ed that disconnect.

“If you read it carefully, it does not speak to the level of addiction in outpatient­s who take these drugs for chronic pain,” he told journalist Sam Quinones, author of a 2015 book on the opioid crisis.

T he Canadian s t udy found the paper was cited 608 times — 60- fold more often than other letters published the same year in the New England Journal of Medicine.

And in more than 70 per cent of cases, it was mentioned as affirmatio­n that addiction was rare in patients taking opioids.

Such upbeat citations have dropped off lately. But just last year, a Korean study referenced the letter in touting use of the powerful opioid Fentanyl for chronic pain.

The article was also cited by a 1995 editorial in the journal Canadian Family Physician — distribute­d to most family doctors in the country. The journal found the one- paragraph study’s conclusion­s “persuasive,” and evidence that patients can take opioids over the long term without getting addicted.

Better research has since suggested that five to 10 per cent of people prescribed opioid painkiller­s for chronic pain get addicted, a “staggering” number given the millions taking them, said Juurlink.

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