National Post

EV charging stations on the front burner

- Alicja Siekierska

Auto industry and government leaders say that in order to help spark electric vehicle sales i n Canada, charging stations need to be made more widely available across the country.

Speaking on a panel at the Electric Vehicle Conference in Markham on Wednesday, Ontario Transporta­tion Minister Steven Del Duca said the most significan­t challenge in bringing more electric vehicles to Canada’s roads is a lack of supportive infrastruc­ture.

“I think infrastruc­ture, charging stations in particular, being deployed more pervasivel­y and being available i n more consumerfr­iendly venues is probably the most important thing at this point in time,” he said.

The Ontario government invested $ 20- million to build around 500 electric vehicle charging stations. As of May 23, 208 stations at 96 locations — amounting to 43 per cent — have been installed, said Del Duca’s press secretary Celso Pereira.

Canada’s EV market remains small, amounting to 0.56 per cent of all vehicles sold in 2016. That, and commitment to reduce emissions, is in part why the federal government created an advisory panel aimed at bringing more zero- emission vehicles to Canada’s roads.

GM Canada president Steve Carlisle and Nissan Canada president Joni Paive agree that a challenge in convincing consumers to go electric has been addressing range and recharging fears.

“When you look at who is buying electric vehicles today, they are arguably different people than the people we need to be able to sell to. They are early- tech adopters and people who have an inherent interest in electric vehicles,” Carlisle told the conference. “To really move the needle, we have to work the idea into other parts of population.”

Part of that, Carlisle said, includes building out public charging infrastruc­ture. According to a report released Wednesday by the Internatio­nal Council on Clean Transporta­tion, cities in California that have the most extensive public charging networks tended to boast the highest electric vehicle market share. For example, San Jose — which boasts a 10-per-cent EV market share — has more than five times the U. S. average number of public charging stations per capita.

Recharging vehicles can be a particular challenge — and significan­t expense — f or condo- dwellers in buildings that haven’t been equipped with the necessary equipment. But some cities are taking the lead. Vancouver changed its building bylaw in 2008 to require 20 per cent of parking stalls in apartments and condos to be electric-vehicle ready.

The newly installed stations in Ontario will be a mix of level 2 systems, which use a 240- volt system and can fully recharge vehicles from zero in about four to six hours, as well as level 3, which are a more powerful, 480-volt system that can recharge cars to 80 per cent capacity in about 30 minutes.

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