National Post


- By Walter D. Feener

ACROSS 1. Be sick 5. Cave ___ (beware the dog: Latin) 10. Fish of the herring family 14. On the side away from the wind 15. City in Florida 16. Remaining 17. Unit of atmospheri­c pressure 18. Makes a copy of 20. Puts a glossy coating on 22. Male cat or turkey 23. Top-of-the-line GMC SUV 24. Surveyor’s instrument 28. Light brown colour, 29. Curtain fabric 30. English horn 34. Lays the lawn down 35. German grandfathe­r 36. ___ pro nobis 37. Not at home 38. Geological fault 40. Paroxysmal sleep 44. Disease-fighting protein 46. Half of a cheerleade­r’s

fluffy ball 47. Units of instructio­n 48. Jazz pianist from

Prince Edward Island 52. Ship’s call for help 53. Spanish mackerel 54. Used to 59. “How sweet ___!” 60. French cheese 61. Animal of the giraffe family 62. Japanese destroyer 63. Soapy water 64. Chafflike bract 65. British WWI flying ace DOWN 1. With ___ breath 2. Single-handed 3. Showed again 4. Pause in music 5. Unripe apple 6. Surgical needle 7. Be off guard 8. Building wing 9. ___ d’hôtel (plural) 10. Ancient Greek wine jar 11. Unusually lucky 12. Become older 13. Parties 19. Layer of paint 21. Style and vigour 24. Semiconduc­tor device 25. Be a busybody 26. River in Asia 27. Easily irritated 29. Keep in stock 30. Lobster roe 31. Think 32. Basic boats 33. Puts bullets into a gun 39. Disposable handkerchi­efs 40. Like some flights 41. Group of reptiles which

comprises the snakes 42. Bird with a weird cry 43. Strong feeling 45. Haunted house sounds 49. Place for a barbecue 50. Manuscript changes 51. Valentine’s Day gift 53. Cartoon skunk Le Pew 54. Tummy muscles, for short 55. French vineyard 56. Spanish hero 57. Canadian cheese 58. ___ de mer

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