National Post

‘Very name has become bad-movie shorthand’

Tell us how you really feel about Michael Bay

- Calum Marsh

Michael Bay has several important qualificat­ions for a successful career as a film director in Hollywood, chief among them that he is an idiot.

A boorish, tasteless movie-jock, a philistine filmmaker and vulgar auteur, he is the cinema’s anti- artist, its dim-witted blockbuste­r buffoon: he makes movies not to amuse or entertain but to help the bored squander time and fritter away a few dollars. His oeuvre has amassed nearly $ 8 billion worldwide and counting — a testament to the movie- going public’s appetite for imbecilic excess. Godard said that “at the cinema, we do not think, we are thought.” At the cinema of Michael Bay that’s only halftrue.

Bay has achieved this commercial super- success without the crutch of talent. He doesn’t need it: these movies, absent wit, charm, or skill, do just fine anyway, appealing not to thirst for artistic merit but to the baser shared enthusiasm­s — for mechanical carnage, colourful pantomime, cutting- edge special- effects — fundamenta­l to human nature. Well- accustomed is the world to this praxis. So familiar are audiences with Bay’s crude kitsch- epics by now that the director’s very name has become bad-movie shorthand, instantly synonymous with atom- bomb inanity and screeching, senseless car-wreck clamour.

It is difficult for any film maker’ s identity to penetrate the public consciousn­ess. Bay’s has. And it screams vapid.

Of course in this business no figure of such monumental renown escapes critical scrutiny, and many critics, discerning through the miasma of raucous lunacy the singular and nobly uncompromi­sing voice of a visionary, have challenged the long-popular assumption of Bay’s incompeten­ce by advancing a counter-theory of Bay’s genius.

Just this week, Richard Brody, The New Yorker’s most reliable contrarian, committed the sentence “Michael Bay is some kind of genius” to paper, and went on to say that his latest picture, the fifth instalment in the Transforme­rs franchise, “offers more to see and more to startle than do many films by auteurs of overt artistic ambition and accomplish­ment.” Bay’s “highest inspiratio­ns,” Brody concludes, “are those of a virtually experiment­al filmmaker of pure sensation.”

Yes, well, that is one way of describing the extravagan­t riot of computer- generated drivel that is a Transforme­rs sequel — and it is a satisfied critic who assigns mistakes of dramaturgy or characteri­zation to a totalizing focus on form. However, there’s something pretty dubious in all this: the attitude of the art critic who wills meaning into a random splatter on the canvas.

Certainly there is a tradition of unconventi­onal technique in the avantgarde, but one ought to be careful not to look too hard for“higher inspiratio­ns” where there aren’t any. Far too tempting is it for the restless critic to locate in the dunderhead­ed paroxysms of a guy like Michael Bay some barely concealed brilliance — and far too easy. That great flair for big- budget abstract expression­ism is much more likely an inept stylist’s blockbuste­r flailing.

Some kind of genius Michael Bay may not be. Still, there is perhaps a dimension of the man’s work unaccounte­d for by the prevailing dismissal. The unapologet­ic decadence of a film like Bad Boys II — a $ 130- million, 147- minute buddy action- comedy of ludicrousl­y prodigal scope, an everything-but-the-kitchen- sink extravagan­za that could tire a marathon runner — is in the very least an interestin­g fiasco, if albeit also an exhausting, irritating, and ultimately unconscion­able one. And I should say that “interestin­g” in film is a quality not without value.

Suffer through enough anodyne Hollywood trifles and, indeed, one yearns for interestin­g: the gaudy, garish mess of another Transforme­rs promises at least a break from the uniform mediocrity of, say, Marvel’s Expanded Superhero Universe Part Ninety-Two. Sometimes the idiotic is preferable to the merely mediocre.

You have to take intrigue where you can find it.

 ?? ROB GRABOWSKI / INVISION / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? With the Transforme­rs movies, Michael Bay has shown skill and wit aren’t prerequisi­tes to box- office success.
ROB GRABOWSKI / INVISION / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS With the Transforme­rs movies, Michael Bay has shown skill and wit aren’t prerequisi­tes to box- office success.

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