National Post

Vatican ruling troubles celiac community


When Andrea Adam’s Catholic priest told her she was coming between her daughter and God, she knew it wasn’t because of her lack of faith. It was because of gluten. The Ontario woman’s daughter has celiac disease, which makes her extremely sensitive to gluten, a protein commonly found in wheat, rye, and other products that make bread.

The condition means consuming hosts — the bread and wafers used to symbolize the body of Christ — at communion in Catholic churches has been a major problem for Adam’s daughter, who can become violently ill with even the smallest amount of gluten.

The Vatican, however, refuses to allow gluten- free hosts at communion and reaffirmed its stance in an announceme­nt distribute­d last month. The notificati­on said hosts used at communion had to contain at least a small amount of gluten to be valid.

For Adam, the Vatican’s position is deeply troubling and has affected how often she goes to church.

“When t he church is struggling, I don’t under- stand why they’re chasing more people away,” she said.

The family’s first brush with the church’s ban on gluten-free hosts came seven years ago when Adam tried to take her daughter, who was seven years old at the time, for her first communion at her Catholic church in Dublin, Ont.

At the time, the priest at her church wouldn’t allow the use of a gluten- free host, even though a trace of gluten could make her daughter vomit over a dozen times.

When she tried to call another priest in the area to see if he would make an exception, he had already been warned about her case.

“He said it was ridiculous that I would do this to my daughter, and that I needed to just back off and let her do this,” said Adam.

In the end, Adam took her daughter to Ottawa, where she was able to re- ceive communion with a gluten-free host.

Sue Newell, a spokeswoma­n for the Canadian Celiac Associatio­n, said the Vatican’s ban on gluten- free hosts has long been a contentiou­s issue for her organizati­on’s members.

“It is probably the most difficult problem for people who are active Catholics when they get this diagnosis,” said Newell. “We have priests and nuns who really struggle with what to do.”

The Vatican has said extremely low-gluten hosts are valid at communion. Newell said those hosts have about 100 parts of gluten per million. Foods are generally defined as gluten- free when they have 20 parts per million or lower.

“Most people with celiac can tolerate them, but not everyone’s willing to do that,” said Newell. “Some people say 'absolutely no gluten is going to cross my mouth.”'

According to Newell, some members of the celiac community have left the Catholic church because of its refusal to use gluten-free hosts.

But Terry Fournier, director of the national liturgy office for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops said claims of people abandoning the Catholic church over the issue is a “gross exaggerati­on.”

“I think some of that is that people don’t inquire into what the alternativ­es are,” said Fournier.

People who can’t ingest even the smallest amount of gluten can choose to receive communion solely in the form of wine, which symbolizes the blood of Christ, Fournier said.


 ?? MATT ROURKE / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Pictured is altar bread, also known as communion wafers.
MATT ROURKE / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Pictured is altar bread, also known as communion wafers.

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