National Post

Guid day, Gam a Thrones fans



Anew series of Game of Thrones premieres this Sunday. But it’s a mere seven episodes – compared to the usual 10 – and based on content not found in George R. R. Martin’ s A Song of Ice and Fire novels. The next official Martin install men t–The Winds of Winter – isn’t expected until later this year. So if you’re a GoT fan, frustrated by the shortage of authentic storylines, how do you satisfy your natural urge for duplicity, mayhem and casual dismemberm­ent?

I’d suggest a short course in the history of the feuding families of the Scottish Borders.

Martin has been candid about the impact of medieval British history on his series. The infamous Red Wedding, where the Starks were betrayed by the Freys and Boltons, was a mash- up of the Massacre of Glencoe, where the Campbells murdered their hosts, the MacDonalds, and the Black Dinner, where the 16- year- old Earl of Douglas and his younger brother were beheaded after dining with the 10- year- old King James the Second of Scotland. During dinner, a black bull’s head, the symbol of death, was brought in and placed before the young Earl, strongly suggesting that strawberri­es and cream were not next on the menu. The idea of the Wall that separates the wild savages of the north from the rest of civilized Westeros was conceived when Martin stood looking north from Hadrian’s Wall, built by the Romans to keep out the barbaric Scots.

So if love, hate, villainy and vengeance are your thing – and as an ardent Game of Thrones fan, they surely are – then check out the littleknow­n tale of the feuding Maxwells and Johnstones, who set off the bloodiest family tilt in British history.

The six counties, or Marches, on either side of the border were inhabited by great raiding families whose names smacked of the gallows – Armstrongs, Beatties, Bells, Grahams, Halls, Irvines, Kerrs, Laidlaws, Nixons and Scotts.

Incorrigib­le thievery was a way of life on both sides of the Border in the 16th century, where cattle rustling or reiving was considered fair game by the sons of fire and steel. As one Scottish reiver is recorded as having said, as he passed an English haystack on the way home from a raid: “Aye, if you had four legs, you wouldnae stand there long.”

In south- west Scotland around Dumfries, the Maxwells and Johnstones vied for supremacy in a March where people were generally in favour of the rule of law, if not dogmatic about it. Bad blood flowed between the two great families for a century before it descended into Thronessty­le butchery at the Battle of Drfye Sands, near Lockerbie.

Both had unenviable reputation­s for banditry. In 1557, the Johnstones had almost wiped out their rivals, the Moffats, by killing the clan chief and setting fire to a church with the most important remaining family members still inside. Neither were the Maxwells slouches in the raiding stakes. In 1585, Lord John Maxwell sacked Lochwood Tower, near Moffat, the seat of the Johnstone clan, killing six men, taking 12 prisoners and burning it to the ground.

The most powerful pos- ition in south-west Scotland was that of March Warden, a role which flipped between the warlord families. In 1593, the Maxwells held the wardenship when a party of five Johnstones stole a black mare from the stables of another Border power- broker, Lord Crichton. The pursuing Crichtons caught one of the offending Johnstones and promptly hanged him, in accordance with local custom. But the remaining Johnstones raided Crichton lands, burning farms and villages and leaving 15 dead clansmen.

Lord Crichton travelled to Edinburgh to petition King James the Sixth ( the future James the First of England). He won over public opinion after the wives of the 15 murdered men paraded their blood-stained shirts up and down the Canongate. The King demanded justice, which fell to the Warden of the Scottish West March, Lord Maxwell to enforce.

Maxwell had recently signed a deal with Sir James Johnstone “to forgive all rancours of mind, grudge, malice and feuds”. But duplicity came as easily as breath- ing to the lords of the Borders. Other influentia­l families in the south-west joined the Maxwells in a pact to rid the region of the Johnstones, who quickly learned of the forces aligned against them.

This was an calculated threat to the Johnstone name. As a result, all able bodied men were drafted, including Robert Johnstone of Raecleuch, who was just 11. Still, the Johnstones could only gather 400 men, including various Scotts, Elliots, Irvines and Grahams. The Maxwells had around two thousand troops, including Armstrongs and Douglases. The superiorit­y in numbers bred complacenc­y in Maxwell, who offered ten pounds of land to the man who could bring him Johnstone’s head or hand.

The Maxwell troops rushed to cross the River Annan and attack the Johnstones at Dryfe Sands, near to where a memorial now stands for the victims of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing. The Johnstones feigned terror and the Maxwell advance guard chased them into an ambush. Seven hundred men died, including Lord Maxwell, who was struck from his horse. As he tried to surrender, the hand of the arm he extended for quarter was struck off – Sir James Johnstone having made his own offer of reward.

But the story doesn’t end there. If you want to live a long life, don’t get between a rock and a clansman bent on revenge. Fifteen years later, in 1608, Sir James Johnstone met the son of his old Maxwell adversary to discuss how to end the blood feud that still plagued their families. There were only four men present – the two clan heads and two servants. Suddenly, the servants started arguing. As Johnstone walked toward them to intervene, the young Lord Maxwell pulled a pistol from beneath his cloak and shot Johnstone twice in the back, killing him.

Maxwell f l ed but was charged with treason for breaking the terms of truce that governed the meeting. He was captured and beheaded in Edinburgh, finally ending a century- long feud bloody enough to grace any George R.R. Martin novel.

Maybe it will yet.

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