National Post


- Sarah Sahagian

In the immortal words of Cersei Lannister, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.” But could there be a third option? Could you fall in love? With Cersei, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen all still standing, there has been speculatio­n that Jon and the glorious Khaleesi may come together to defeat Cersei. Indeed, one could argue the series has been building to this outcome since the very first episode.

By forming a military alliance, Jon and Daenerys could destroy the Seven Kingdoms of the Lannisters, thus delivering a more hopeful future to Westeros. If this were to happen, however, might the young warriors become enchanted with each other’s swordplay along the way? As the maxim goes,“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Sure, Dany is technicall­y Jon’s aunt, but Game of Thrones has never shied away from taboo situations before. In fact, Dany’s Targaryen parents were brother and sister. Gross, I know, but in this fictional world incestual relationsh­ips are the norm. As such, the coupling of Jon Snow and Daenerys, The Mother of Dragons, is a match made in fan fiction heaven. If there is One True Pairing on Game of Thrones, it is these pretty young things. They are poised to be the Stan and Peggy of the fantasy genre, a couple for whom everyone is rooting! And yet, with six seasons down, Daenerys and Jon have yet to clap eyes on each other. Are the writers holding off to build suspense? Or will Emilia Clarke’s character stop sojourning before her dragons have the opportunit­y to heat up Westeros?

Of course, there will be much for this couple to overcome, even beyond their mutual ancestry. Jon could find the trials and tribulatio­ns of a blended family taxing. Being The Stepfather of Dragons would surely be an adjustment for him. Or perhaps Khaleesi will tire of Jon’s penchant for pessimisti­c brooding, making it necessary for them to seek some sort of medieval couples’ counsellin­g. Even the best relationsh­ips can sometimes be scarier than The Red Wedding. Despite the obstacles, it’s obvious this couple would have long- term potential. After all, winter has arrived in Westeros, and everyone knows winter is cuffing season.

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