National Post


Children of ‘martyrs’ left amid rubble

- Josie Ensor and Campbell MacDiarmid

Amina sat on the makeshift medical examinatio­n table staring at her wounds, her blond hair matted and caked in dust.

The little girl, who looked no older than three, was pulled from the rubble of Mosul’s Old City where she had been trapped for days before Iraqi rescue workers heard her faint cries.

When asked about her parents, she replied only that they had become “martyrs.”

Speaking little Arabic, she is thought to be the daughter of Chechen Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL) fighters who died in battle.

Dozens of children have been pulled, both dead and alive, from the rubble in recent days.

Many of them are the children of ISIL fighters who either blew themselves up in suicide attacks or were killed by Iraqi forces in the jihadists’ final redoubt.

Iraqi commanders have said most of those killed in the final days of battle were foreign jihadists who “fought to the last” rather than surrender.

While Haidar al-Abadi, Iraq’s prime minister, declared the fight for Mosul over a week ago, a pocket of diehard ISIL fighters remains in the Old City.

U. S.-led coalition air strikes are being used to dislodge them, but houses are flattened in the process, leaving residents trapped underneath.

One young boy was found by soldiers so desperatel­y hungry that he was eating raw meat from the ground.

The Chechen girl told medics treating her that her father had become a “shahid” or martyr. “She is now an orphan,” one doctor said.

In the past three days, UNICEF, the children’s charity, said it had seen an increase in the number of unaccompan­ied children arriving at medical facilities. Some babies brought in have been found alone in the debris. “One doctor we spoke to told us that infants as young as one week old, children and mothers were emerging wounded and covered in dust and soil, some were malnourish­ed,” said Hamida Ramadhani, UNICEF’s deputy representa­tive in Iraq.

While there is little doubt that the last gunmen will shortly be killed or surrender, many in Mosul worry that unless the city is rebuilt rapidly and governed justly, future generation­s of extremists will be drawn from the ranks of their children.

Worryingly too, as fears of retributiv­e killings and collective punishment grow, both authoritie­s and civilians are warning there can be no reconcilia­tion with ISIL sympathize­rs — or the relatives of ISIL fighters. From an apartment on the eastern side of Mosul, which is divi ded by the Tigris River, a group of men sat and watched the plumes of smoke rising from the ancient quarter last week.

“Da mn th e m,” one man said of the remaining ISIL militants and their families still holed up in the rubble across the river. “They killed our families, why should they get to live?” asked 28-year-old Walid Khalid.

It was a sombre reunion as the men accounted the personal cost of the past three years of ISIL occupation. Each sharing harrowing stories of the deaths of relatives, destroyed homes, and extended privation.

One young man spoke only to tell of how ISIL fighters had denied him water when his children were nearly dying of thirst in an Old City basement. “We had been two days without water,” said Yehyeh Zekeria, a gaunt man with sunken cheeks. “One fighter said you can have water but in exchange I will kill one of your children.

“Another fighter stood by a running hose and said: ‘ This water is for the brothers only’.”

Yasir Samir Ahmed, 25, escaped fighting in the Old City last week with his parents. His brothers, Mohamed and Ahmed, were killed by a mortar blast two months ago as they drew water from a well fewer than 100 metres from their home.

“You should have left a long time ago,” another friend, Mohamed Yehyeh, shouted in a tearful rebuke. “There were three of you and now’s there’s one.”

“We never knew it would get so bad,” Ahmed replied. Even with ISIL facing military defeat in the city, the men fear for the future. Insurgent attacks have shaken any notion that the violence would end with the battle.

Khalid reopened a cosmetics store in east Mosul after the liberation but stopped going several weeks ago after three suicide bombers in military uniform detonated themselves nearby.

“Mosul will never be the same again,” he said. “There’s nothing to be optimistic about.” The men said the only way to restore security was a thorough purge of ISIL supporters.

“The best way is to build a camp outside the city and they can all live there together,” said Samir Ahmed Sofi. “Their ideology is like a cancer and we don’t want it infecting us.”


 ?? CAROL GUZY / ZUMA WIRE ?? Amina, thought to be about three, was pulled from the rubble in Mosul after being trapped for days. The little girl is believed to be the daughter of ISIL fighters from Chechnya who died in battle. Asked about her parents, she said only that they had...
CAROL GUZY / ZUMA WIRE Amina, thought to be about three, was pulled from the rubble in Mosul after being trapped for days. The little girl is believed to be the daughter of ISIL fighters from Chechnya who died in battle. Asked about her parents, she said only that they had...
 ?? FELIPE DANA / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The sun sets behind destroyed buildings in the west side of Mosul, Iraq. The nine-month fight to defeat Islamic State fighters ended in a crescendo of bombardmen­t that damaged or destroyed a third of its historic Old City.
FELIPE DANA / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The sun sets behind destroyed buildings in the west side of Mosul, Iraq. The nine-month fight to defeat Islamic State fighters ended in a crescendo of bombardmen­t that damaged or destroyed a third of its historic Old City.

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