National Post

GOP eyes two-year goal on healthcare

- Alan Fram Erica Werner and

• U. S. President Donald Trump says he is deeply “disappoint­ed” by the collapse of the GOP effort to rewrite former president Barack Obama’s healthcare law.

Trump told reporters Tuesday that Republican­s have been talking for years about repealing and replacing “Obamacare,” and he is disappoint­ed they couldn’t deliver.

It’s time to “let Obamacare fail,” the president said, adding,“I’m not going to own it.”

Allowing Obamacare to fail will encourage Democrats to come to the table and negotiate, he said.

Trump also said he did not blame Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for the decision by two more Republican senators to come out against the legislatio­n, effectivel­y killing the bill.

“Most Republican­s were loyal, terrific & worked really hard,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. “We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republican­s.”

The two GOP senators — Utah’s Mike Lee and Jerry Moran of Kansas — sealed the measure’s doom l ate Monday when t hey announced they would vote “no” in an initial, critical vote that had been expected as soon as next week. That meant that at least four of the 52 GOP senators were ready to block the measure — two more than McConnell had to spare in the face of unanimous Democratic opposition.

On the Senate floor Tuesday, McConnell conceded that the legislatio­n repealing the 2010 law and replacing it with GOP- preferred programs “will not be successful.”

He said instead, the Senate would vote on legislatio­n dismantlin­g much of Obama’s statute that would take effect in two years, which Republican­s say would give Congress time to approve replacemen­t legislatio­n. But such legislatio­n seems unlikely to be approved, with many Republican­s concerned the two- year gap would roil insurance markets and produce a political backlash against the GOP.

The re t r e at was t he second stinging setback on the issue in three weeks for McConnell, whose reputation as a legislativ­e mastermind has been marred as he’s failed to unite his chamber’s Republican­s behind a health overhaul package that highlighte­d jagged divides between conservati­ves and moderates. In late June, he abandoned an initial package after he lacked enough GOP support to pass.

The episode has also been jarring for Trump, whose intermitte­nt lobbying and nebulous, often contradict­ory descriptio­ns of what he’s wanted have shown he has limited clout with senators.

McConnell’s failed bill would have left 22 million uninsured by 2026, according to the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office, a number that many Republican­s found unpalatabl­e.

 ?? MANUEL BALCE CENETA / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Protesters demanding Congress “reject both the immoral budget proposed by the Trump Administra­tion and the equally unjust health care bill that the Senate may have a procedural vote on in the coming weeks” are warned by a U. S. Capitol Police officer...
MANUEL BALCE CENETA / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Protesters demanding Congress “reject both the immoral budget proposed by the Trump Administra­tion and the equally unjust health care bill that the Senate may have a procedural vote on in the coming weeks” are warned by a U. S. Capitol Police officer...

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