National Post



A Turkish court on Tuesday jailed Amnesty Internatio­nal’s Turkey director and five other human rights activists for all egedly aiding an armed terror group, making them the latest suspects in a massive government crackdown launched against alleged supporters of last year’s failed coup but since broadened to include government opponents.

In a decision Amnesty Internatio­nal called a “crushing blow for rights in Turkey,” the court in Istanbul also decided to release four other activists from custody pending the outcome of a trial.

The 10 — Amnesty’s Turkey director Idil Eser, seven human rights defenders and their German and Swedish trainers — were detained in a July 5 police raid on a hotel on the island of Buyukada, off Istanbul, where they were attending a digital security workshop.

The detentions add to concerns over rights and freedoms in Turkey, where the post- coup crackdown has resulted in more than 50,000 arrests.

Turkish media reports said prosecutor­s presented as evidence records of their communicat­ions with suspects linked to Kurdish and leftwing militants as well as the movement led by U. S.-based Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen, who is accused of orchestrat­ing last year’s failed coup attempt.

“Turkey will be disgraced in the eyes of world if these human rights defenders are put in prison for defending human r i ghts,” Andrew Gardner, Amnesty’s Turkey researcher, pictured, told a group of reporters waiting outside the courthouse as the group was being questioned by prosecutor­s.

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