National Post

Maps, apps and GDP gaps


It’s embarrassi­ng to admit but, driving around the continent this summer, I’ve been doing my first travelling with Google Maps in the passenger/navigator seat, as it were. Like many Canadians working their way through their grey- haired years, I’m not the most slavish cell-phone updater. But earlier this year I finally did trade in my clunky slide- out keyboard model for something slimmer and smarter. Well, not actually “trade in,” because when the salesperso­n typed in the model number the trade- in value came back as “zero.” I regard it as at least some consolatio­n that her computer actually still had a record of my old, not completely paleo-technic, phone.

I did know about Google Maps before this, of course. I’d used it to look up locations, plan trips of one kind or another and play with Streetscap­e. These days, I start my classroom discussion of The Wealth of Nations by streetscap­ing up and down the main street of Kirkcaldy, Scotland, Adam Smith’s hometown. Something about the majestic rolling-in of the North Sea waves, I tell the students, must have influenced Smith’s prose rhythms. Good thing he didn’t have earbuds to distract him.

Because of the limitation­s of my old phone, however, I’d never actually used it for real- time navigating. Well, what a revelation! Now I’m hooked on watching ( only when in the passenger seat, mind) the little blue dot that represents my vehicle as it wends its way around the countrysid­e, sometimes even managing to hew to the darker blue line representi­ng my suggested route. I especially like the way the dot scoots forward when I wake the phone from a nap.

And how amazing those route suggestion­s are! A couple of weeks ago, while driving through Atlantic Canada on a beautiful new highway made possible by federal equalizati­on payments, a puzzling strip of red showed up along what should have been uninterrup­ted green ( green indicates traffic speeds are normal). It turned out to be an apparently non- fatal accident that neverthele­ss had required several emergency vehicles and some flares. How did my phone know that!?

Ordinary humans are amazed by these technologi­cal miracles; amazed, that is until they’ve digested them and fully integrated them into their daily lives, after which they quickly learn to complain when the technology doesn’t go exactly right.

We economists marvel, too, but we also wonder how free apps fit into GDP. They do have their long- run downside, as we forget how to read maps and plot routes ourselves. (Anybody out there remember how to work a slide rule? No? That’s not a loss for computatio­n but it does mean lower average numeracy.) But in the short run they save billions of hours in wrong turns not taken and trillions of cells of stomach lining no longer eaten up by travel anxiety. Not to mention their entertainm­ent value.

But hardly any of that very big upside shows up in GDP. In one respect, in fact, GDP goes down. I used to buy maps, including travel atlases. I’m unlikely to do that anymore. Maps purchased by consumers are a “final good or service” and thus do enter into GDP. Maps I interact with online but don’t pay for aren’t GDP. So well- being has gone up — a lot — as a result of Google Maps. But GDP may well have gone down.

In fact, apps do produce some GDP. Google sustains itself in part by selling ads, including to retailers and restaurant­s looking to pay for prominent mention on its map display. Its ad revenue is an intermedia­te input into GDP. Many of the entities buying Google ads are in the business of selling “final goods or services” and if they’re money- making, the prices of their goods have to cover the cost of their ads. So by that circuitous route the “value” of the apps does end up in GDP.

But what’s the relationsh­ip between what advertiser­s pay for my eyeballs and the value of the app to me? The two are not completely unrelated. The more I use the app the more I’m likely to buy the advertised products, presumably. But in practice, the probabilit­y of my buying is pretty small while my benefit from the app is pretty big. How strange that miracle apps can change our lives but not our GDP.

Some economists argue that the productivi­ty slowdown that pre- dates the 2008 financial crisis may be partly due to mal- measuremen­t of the benefits of new technology. In effect, Google’s employees have uber- high productivi­ty in terms of benefit production but not so much in terms of “final good and service” sales. On the other hand, the output gap from the rate of productivi­ty growth being lower over the last 10 years than it was in the 1990s is now US$ 3 trillion and, as far as explaining it goes, there isn’t yet an app for that.


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