National Post

What if the Nazis invaded Britain?


- Tristin Hopper thopper@nationalpo­ Twitter: TristinHop­per

The movie Dunkirk, opening Friday, is a big- budget Christophe­r Nolan epic about Operation Dynamo, the miraculous 1940 evacuation of 300,000 troops to England as the German Blitzkrieg overran France.

The evacuation also marked the beginning of the most perilous period in modern British history. Just as soon as they secured France’s surrender, German troops quickly began laying plans for an invasion and subjugatio­n of the British Isles.

The invasion, known as Operation Sealion, never happened. But deep in European archives still lie the chilling plans for how it would have played out.

❚ Most of Britain’s gold was already stashed in Canada

If the Nazis had got their hands on England, one of their first steps would have been to commence wholesale looting of the country’s gold reserves. They would have found the vaults empty, however, because the United Kingdom smuggled the modern equivalent of more than $ 60 billion in gold to Canada — the largest single transfer of wealth in history. Unbeknowns­t to wartime Montreal, a good chunk of the accumulate­d wealth of the British Empire was under the Sun Life Building for the entire war. The Crown Jewels, however, remained in England, where they were reportedly stashed under a trap door in Windsor Castle.

❚ The defence plan included lighting everything on fire

After losing much of its equipment in the Dunkirk evacuation, the British army was left to defend the homeland with startlingl­y little ammunition or heavy weapons. But the U. K. did have plenty of oil and rigged up whole sections of coast with impromptu flame- throwers. As German landing craft approached, underwater pipes would pump petroleum into the water and set it ablaze, enshroudin­g the coast in a curtain of fire. If troops made it onshore, more hidden pipes would ignite the beaches. Finally, any remaining Germans would have to endure hundreds of exploding oil barrels hidden in the trees. German spotter planes detected some of these fire experiment­s and word soon got around that the Brits were building some kind of fiery doomsday device. “We did hear of a rumour going around in the German troops that if they did get ashore … they would be burned alive. And that was a discourage­ment to them,” one participan­t in the experiment­s told a BBC documentar­y.

❚ To get tanks to England, the Germans planned to drive them underwater

Unlike t he meticulous­ly planned D- Day invasion four years later, the Nazi plan to storm the U. K. was much more ad hoc. The Germans plundered their European conquests for riv- er barges and had shipyards cut off their bows to turn them into landing craft. Another invention was the Tauchpanze­r ( diving tank). The German Wehrmacht took regular tanks, waterproof­ed them as best they could and fitted them with a long snorkel. On invasion day, the plan was to lower the tanks to the bottom of the English Channel and have them drive along the ocean floor and into battle.

❚ Winston Churchill would almost certainly have died in a blaze of gunfire

As bombs rained on London throughout the Second World War, Churchill consistent­ly showed a callous disregard for his own safety. He also personally killed people during Britain’s African colonial wars. As prime minister, he carried a gun at all times, practised shooting often and was clear he was do- ing this in preparatio­n for a last stand against the Nazis. “You see, Thompson, they’ ll never take me alive,” he once boasted to his bodyguard, Walter Thompson, while waving around a pistol. Churchill was even more graphic about his fate at a critical May 1940 cabinet meeting. “If this long island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground,” he said.

❚ There was a team trained to whisk the future Queen Elizabeth II to Canada, if necessary

Known as the Coats Mission, it was an elite group of soldiers tasked with evacuating the British royal family to the country at the drop of a hat. If the Germans gained a beachhead ( or a paratroope­r raid threatened to kidnap the royals), the king, queen and two princesses were to be bundled into an emergency convoy and sped to one of four forti- fied safe houses. In a worst- case scenario, the princesses were to then be evacuated out of the country. In a really worst case scenario, it was the Coats Mission’s job to dig in at one of the houses and mount a last stand against the Germans.

❚ Meanwhile, Canada already had an exile palace lined up

Not long after German bombs started falling on England, the Canadian government purchased Hatley Castle, a massive estate just outside Victoria, B. C., probably best known for playing the X- Mansion in the X- Men movies. The Dutch royal family was already in exile in Ottawa and the plan was to keep the castle ready in case Britain needed a safe place for its head of state. King George VI was famously unwilling to leave London even at the height of the Blitz. But if there were German boots marching on the capital, it wouldn’t necessaril­y be the king’s call on what he got to do. “The monarch acts on the advice of his prime minister and these constituti­onal considerat­ions would have influenced George VI’s decisions in the event of an invasion,” Carolyn Harris, author of the new book, Raising Royalty, told the National Post. Interestin­gly, it’s entirely possible a puppet British government would have installed George’s brother, the former King Edward VIII, as a collaborat­ionist monarch.

❚ The Nazis did invade some British territory

The Channel Islands aren’t technicall­y part of the U. K. but they are British territory. The small archipelag­o speaks English, eats mushy peas and their streets are patrolled by bobbies. But as Britain geared up for invasion, they deemed the islands of no military importance and left them undefended. For the 60,000 or so Channel Islanders who decided to stick it out, the war would be a nightmare of concentrat­ion camps, Jewish deportatio­ns and near-starvation.

❚ Both the Germans and Brits were pretty sure an invasion would fail

While the British had only the scraps of an army, they still had history’s most powerful navy. The German invasion fleet “would be intercepte­d long before it reached the coast and all the men drowned in the sea or, at the worst, blown to pieces with their equipment while trying to land,” wrote Churchill in his memoirs. This prediction was shared by top German commanders and later confirmed by a detailed 1974 war game: An invasion would have almost certainly ended in disaster for Germany. Given Hitler’s troops would be used to starve, subjugate and massacre millions in Eastern Europe, it might have been better for almost everybody if many had been sent to the bottom of the English Channel.


 ?? AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? British soldiers were evacuated from Dunkirk beach in northern France in June of 1940 as the allied troops were forced to pull out of France and Belgium and return to the British Isles following the German Blitzkrieg.
AFP / GETTY IMAGES British soldiers were evacuated from Dunkirk beach in northern France in June of 1940 as the allied troops were forced to pull out of France and Belgium and return to the British Isles following the German Blitzkrieg.

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