National Post


Provision for U.S. government procuremen­t

- Joanna Smith

• The United States wants to maintain — and even expand — the Buy America provisions that restrict government procuremen­t to companies using materials from within its borders, while making it easier for U. S. firms to get those contracts in Canada and Mexico.

The contradict­ory goal was among the objectives for the revamped North American Trade Agreement that U. S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer released earlier this month, suggesting the Americans want to have their cake and eat it too.

“I think it’s rather outrageous,” said Lawrence Herman, an internatio­nal trade lawyer who has represente­d Canada at the World Trade Organizati­on.

Step aside, dairy cows. Government procuremen­t — meaning the process of who gets to bid to build bridges, highways and all sorts of public infrastruc­ture projects — is likely to become one of the toughest issues the Liberal government will have to deal with during the NAFTA talks that start next month.

There are two main kinds of protection­ist policies when it comes to government procuremen­t below the border and confusingl­y, they have similar names: the Buy American Act, which has been around since 1933, and various Buy America provisions, which take on different shapes depending on the type of project and level of government involved.

Under the former, the WTO a nd t he c ur r e nt NAFTA exempt Canada from the requiremen­ts, as long as the contract is being offered by a U. S. federal department or agency and the amount is above certain thresholds.

Expanding the other kind — the one without an ‘ N,’ — is what appears to be the focus of the new NAFTA negotiatin­g objectives for the U.S.

It currently applies to procuremen­t done by state and local government­s ( also known as the sub- federal l evel), but also to transporta­tion services and any state and local projects that receive f ederal f unding, which makes up the majority of infrastruc­ture spending.

It comes with no special exemption for Canada.

This became a big probl em when t he previous administra­tion of former president Barack Obama rolled out a major stimulus program to help the economy recover from the financial collapse in 2009, with the requiremen­t that only iron, steel and manufactur­ed goods produced within the U.S. could be used for its projects.

That strained the relationsh­ip between the two countries, but they reached a one-year deal in 2010 that allowed Canadian materials to be used in some of these projects in 37 states, in exchange for Canada opening up most of its own sub- federal infrastruc­ture projects.

Since Trump promised a $ 1- trillion national infrastruc­ture program on the campaign trail, maintainin­g or expanding the Buy America provisions could cause Canadian suppliers a lot of grief.

A group of deputy min- isters raised this as a concern when they gathered to discuss intergover­nmental relations this February, according to a document Infrastruc­ture Canada released to The Canadian Press under the Access to Informatio­n Act.

“Buy American provisions may have adverse impacts on the Canadian constructi­on sector — and opportunit­ies may be lost with respect to the ( Trump) administra­tion’s trillion dollars infrastruc­ture plan,” said the minutes of the meeting.

Canada does have some leverage.

The Liberal government has a major infrastruc­ture program of i ts own, one that calls for $ 81.2 billion in spending over the next decade, while the plan Trump promised on the campaign trail does not appear to be rolling out any time soon.

Andrew Leslie, the parliament­ary secretary for Canada-U. S. relations, suggested last week that the White House might want to keep this in mind.

“I think our friends and allies would do well to watch what we are about to build in Canada and they may want to take part in that,” he said.

John Boscariol, a trade l awyer wit h McCarthy Tetrault, said this becomes a stronger argument when one considers the Comprehens­ive Economic and Trade Agreement ( CETA) opens up Canadian government procuremen­t to European suppliers at the sub- federal level, including municipali­ties, which is where most of those projects are taking place.

“Those U. S. suppliers will see this spending going forward and if they feel they’re not getting access to it, or more specifical­ly, the Europeans are getting preferenti­al access to it, I think they will be putting pressure on the Trump government to do something about that,” Boscariol said.

The Canadian public procuremen­t market is worth over $ 200 billion and the U. S. public procuremen­t market is valued at $ 1.7 trillion. So, as Boscariol and his colleagues pointed out in a recent note to clients on the NAFTA objectives, opening up access means large new markets in both countries.

But there is only so much Canada can offer.

“We’re a lot smaller and the advantages that we can provide to procuremen­t are certainly not as great as the advantages that having access to the U. S. procuremen­t market entails,” said Herman. “That’s a problem, but it’s an issue we’ve always faced.”

Joseph Galimberti, president of the Canadian Steel Producers Associatio­n, said the highly integrated steel market means Canada can argue that opening things up could benefit both economies.

The Trump administra­tion has argued Buy Ameri ca provisions f or s t eel preserve domestic supply chains, but Galimberti noted Canadian steel producers get some $1.5 billion (U. S.) in raw material from below the border.

“Canadian partici pation in the North American market does not undermine American value chains,” he said.

Galimberti said one way to improve the current situation would be for the new NAFTA to have the U. S. embrace a “Buy North America” policy that would help all three countries better compete in a globalized trade environmen­t.

Herman said the give-andtake aspect of negotiatin­g a trade deal is not as straightfo­rward as tit for tat.

“It’s a complex, i ntertwined package,” he said, “and so what we may give on procuremen­t and what the U. S. may do on procuremen­t will be balanced off against a whole range of other things and they aren’t necessaril­y in the same sector.”

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