National Post

A workplace dilemma


- Rebecca Greenfield Bloomberg News

There aren’t supposed to be Nazis in the office.

A human resource department would be highly unlikely to sit back while an employee displayed swastikas on his desk or espoused ideas about racial superiorit­y at the coffee machine.

Outside of the office, however, the relationsh­ip between corporate codes of conduct and hateful politics is less straightfo­rward. It’s not entirely clear that employees will always be fired for being an after- hours Nazi.

Take the recent white-nationalis­ts rallies in Charlottes­ville, Va., which featured anti-Semitic slogans, Nazi symbols, and an attack on counter- protesters that left one person dead. At least four participan­ts in the rallies have lost their jobs as a result.

Using images of the Charlottes­ville marches, amateur investigat­ors such as Logan Smith, who runs the Twitter account Yes, You’re a Racist, have exposed the identities of participan­ts and, in some cases, their places of employment. Within a week, several of those identified had reportedly lost jobs over conduct that took place far from their workplaces.

Not all employees are equally vulnerable.

In the U. S. at least, publicsect­or employees have the most protection­s, even f or what might be deemed out- of- office hate speech, thanks to the restrictio­ns of the First Amendment on government action.

That doesn’ t mean t hat someone employed by a public institutio­n can say whatever he wants without any consequenc­es. If a government employer can prove that an employee’s actions are an “issue of public concern,” there may be a case for terminatio­n, said Jonathan Segal, an employment lawyer at Duane Morris. He suggested, as an example, that a police officer who is part of a white nationalis­t group might lose his job. ( This happened in 2015 when two Alabama police officers lost their jobs for belonging to a white nationalis­t group.)

Private- sector employees have fewer protection­s, unless working under a contract that explicitly states otherwise.

Union contracts often require an employer to demonstrat­e “just cause” for firing an employee, and Segal said that behaviour outside of work alone won’t always suffice. An employer would have to prove that the activity somehow affects the workplace or the worker’s ability to do his job.

If a member of a white supremacis­t group acts as a company representa­tive as part of his job, for example, the employer might reasonably allege that the organizati­on’s reputation would be tainted by associatio­n. Other workers could also potentiall­y complain of a hostile work environmen­t.

Most people employed in the private sector have less generous “at- will” employment contracts. “That means they can be fired for any reason — as long as it isn’t an illegal reason,” said Elizabeth Owens Bille, the general counsel for the Society for Human Resource Manage- ment. And firing someone for attending a Nazi rally is potentiall­y illegal, depending on the state.

About half of U. S. states have laws that prohibit firing workers based on their off- duty conduct, although these protection­s vary widely.

In South Carolina, where Nick Krofta lost his job after appearing in a picture at the Charlottes­ville rally, a single activity, such as smoking, might be protected in the law.

Other states — California, Colorado, New York, and North Dakota — specify that employers can’t fire workers for participat­ing in “lawful activities,” including political protests.

Even in those states where the law protects employees who attend a march, companies can still defend firing a white supremacis­t other ways.

“If they’re screaming comments about Jews, gays, and Muslims, I believe a good argument is that you’re not responding to the political activity,” said Segal. “You’re responding to the content of what is said — the hate speech, not the march.”

Unlike government employees, private-sector workers don’t have First Amendment rights on the job. Some states have laws that prohibit firing workers based on political speech, but Segal says those laws are generally narrow.

In states without these “offduty” protection­s, it’s not difficult for companies to fire at-will employees who participat­e in white supremacis­t rallies — or any other off- hours behaviour deemed unsavoury.

“It is perfectly OK to terminate somebody,” said Jay Starkman, chief executive of Engage, which provides HR services for small and midsize companies. “The reason for the terminatio­n is that it doesn’t reflect the values of the organizati­on.”

Social media posts can also get a worker fired, even for stuff not posted at work. Many companies have policies about what their workers can and can’t post online. Any content that’s inconsiste­nt with the company’s antidiscri­mination policy can get an employee fired.

White supremacis­ts in the workplace are problems for their employers. They can tarnish the reputation of an organizati­on, create a hostile work environmen­t for non- white workers, and counteract diversity and inclusion initiative­s. Still, companies don’t want to chill employees into thinking that they can get fired for anything they do on their own time.

“You don’t want this to be political, you want it to be a decency vs. hatred issue,” said Segal. “So people don’t think they can’t have different political views, even where that wouldn’t be protected.”

 ?? ANDREW CABALLERO- REYNOLDS / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Members of the Ku Klux Klan and other groups arrive for a rally, calling for the protection of Confederat­e monuments, in Charlottes­ville. Firing someone for attending a Nazi rally is potentiall­y illegal, depending on the U. S. state.
ANDREW CABALLERO- REYNOLDS / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES Members of the Ku Klux Klan and other groups arrive for a rally, calling for the protection of Confederat­e monuments, in Charlottes­ville. Firing someone for attending a Nazi rally is potentiall­y illegal, depending on the U. S. state.

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