National Post


AS MYANMAR’S LEADER, Aung San Suu Kyi, allows the brutalizat­ion of the Muslim-minority Rohingya, JIHADISTS ARE CIRCLING LIKE VULTURES over a field of RIPE CORPSES. Glavin,

- Terry Glavin

Now that 40 per cent of Mya n - mar’s persecuted Rohingya people have been driven out of their homelands in the dirt- poor backwaters of Rakhine state, it’s becoming clear that the greatest disgrace is that no one who has been paying the slightest attention has any excuse to be surprised. And now, another clearly foreseen consequenc­e of the internatio­nal community’s cold indifferen­ce to the catastroph­e inflicted upon Myanmar’s abandoned Muslim minority is that the jihadists are circling, as they always do in these crises, like vultures over a field of ripe corpses.

“A textbook example of ethnic cleansing” is the way the United Nations’ High Commission­er for Human Rights described things on Monday. Predictabl­y, when the UN Security Council met to discuss the horrors on Wednesday, all the Rohingyas got by way of relief was yet another exquisitel­y crafted statement deploring the violence. On Thursday, Hong Liang, China’s ambassador to Myanmar, congratula­ted Myanmar’s generals on their savageries, and advised the world to leave them alone. “It is just an internal affair.”

By Friday, the working week at UN headquarte­rs had ended with another 100,000 or so Rohingya chased and burned out of Rakhine. They’d fled across the border into Bangladesh. By the UN’s count, 389,000 Rohingya people all told, more than half of them children, have fled Myanmar’s depravitie­s since Aug. 25.

No end to their suffering is in sight. The United States is doing nothing. Legislatio­n to deepen the Pentagon’s military ties with Myanmar’s generals continues to trundle its way through Congress. Canada is doing nothing. A petition to revoke the honorary Canadian citizenshi­p granted to Aung San Suu Kyi, the former champion of democracy and now Myanmar’s disgraced State Counsellor, has garnered more than 20,000 signatures. But from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office, it’s been mostly silence, and a letter to Suu Kyi, asking her to be nice.

Suu Kyi has deftly and consistent­ly refused to condemn or even acknowledg­e the barbarism Myanmar’s military continues to inflict upon the Rohingya. The petitioner­s who want her Canadian citizenshi­p taken away say she has betrayed the Canadian ideals of “democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law” that Ottawa cited in granting her the honour in 2012. Suu Kyi’s name simply cannot be uttered in the same breath with the names of other honorary Canadians, and there are only five of them: Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, the Aga Khan, Malala Yousafzai, and the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who rescued Jews from the Nazis.

If Suu Kyi is allowed to retain her honorary citizenshi­p, the Canadian Rohingya Developmen­t Initiative proposes that she be i nvestigate­d for possible charges under the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. The 17- year- old law holds Canadian citizens to account for the crime of genocide, and includes complicity in genocide and the failure to “take all reasonable steps” to prevent crimes against humanity.

The pogroms carried out against the Rohingyas since August quite readily appear to constitute such crimes. And these are atrocities that everybody saw coming.

During the autumn months of 2016, dozens of Rohingya civilians were massacred, roughly 65,000 Rohingyas chased into Bangladesh, and tens of thousands more were rounded up and locked away in concentrat­ion camps. Last December, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak called for internatio­nal interventi­on to prevent a genocide. More than a dozen Nobel laureates pleaded with the UN Security Council to intervene. No help came.

Two weeks earlier, an exhaustive Internatio­nal Crisis Group study warned that the unleashing of excessive military force against an emerging Rohingya insurgency would backfire, horribly. It has. The result of years of dead-end diplomacy, dithering and declaratio­ns about how deplorable things were in Rakhine: a humanitari­an nightmare, and the prospect of Southeast Asia shuddering in the convulsion­s of Islamist holy war.

Two weeks ago, the Indonesian Islamic Defenders Front called on volunteers to wage jihad in Myanmar to defend the Rohingya against the Buddhist- majority bell i gerents running Myanmar’s government. Indonesian President Joko Widodo warned that things were spinning out of control: “Real action is needed, not just statements and condemnati­ons.” What Widodo got for his trouble: more statements and condemnati­ons, and a bomb thrown at the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta.

“The savage treatment meted out to our Muslim brothers shall not pass without punishment,” al- Qaida announced in a statement reported by the SITE Intelligen­ce Group on Wednesday. “The government of Myanmar shall be made to taste what our Muslim brothers have tasted.” Not to be outdone, Iran’s Mohsen Rezaee, a senior Khomeinist law- maker and the former commander of the Iran’s Islamic Revolution­ary Guards Corps, is calling for a multinatio­nal Islamic army, the “Army of the Prophet,” to intervene in Myanmar.

On Aug. 24, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan released a report Suu Kyi commission­ed, to examine resolution­s to the Rohingya crisis. The report stated the obvious: grant the Rohingyas a way to obtain Myanmar citizenshi­p, which they have been denied since the military coup of 1962. In fact, Myanmar further entrenched the Roh- ingya’s statelessn­ess in a 1982 citizenshi­p law, on the fictional grounds that all Rohingyas are merely Bangladesh­i interloper­s. Suu Kyi’s election in 2015 changed nothing for the better. It’s when things started to get even worse.

“Unless concerted action – led by the government and aided by all sectors of the government and society – is taken soon, we risk the return of another cycle of violence and radicaliza­tion,” Annan concluded. It took less than 24 hours for that cycle of violence to begin again. The ragtag Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army ( ARSA) attacked 30 police and army posts across Rakhine, killing 12. The military responded with a rampage.

Soldiers burned hundreds of homes, destroyed entire Rohingya villages and killed an estimated 1,000 people. Suu Kyi has refused to allow UN investigat­ors to travel to the affected areas to investigat­e the carnage. Instead, her government has resorted to cheap propaganda: the Rohingyas are burning their own villages to make the Myanmar government look bad, and the ARSA fighters are terrorists and jihadists. Suu Kyi called reports of the army’s atrocities “fake news.”

A closely guided press tour following the military rampage ended badly, however. The BBC was presented with photograph­s allegedly catching Rohingya Muslims in the act of setting their own homes on fire — but the arsonists turned out to be Hindus dressed up as Muslims. The tour inadverten­tly led the journalist­s to a village that was still burning, where the army was allowing Buddhist arsonists to walk away from the crime scene with items looted from the abandoned Rohingya houses.

“We are not jihadists,” an ARSA spokesman who goes only by the name Abdullah told the Bangkok Times in the aftermath of the Aug. 25 attacks. ARSA is uninter- ested in imposing any version of Sharia anywhere in Rakhine, he said. “Our status as a recognized ethnic group within Myanmar must be restored.” That’s pretty well the substance of ARSA’s demands: citizenshi­p and civil rights within Myanmar. “As long as our demands are not met, resistance will continue and, if unfulfille­d, those demands will be upgraded to another level.”

But Abdullah was not clear about what “another l evel” might mean, and ARSA’s susceptibi­lity to toxic Islamist influences is growing, just as the jihadist attraction to the Rakhine chaos increasing­ly threatens to plunge the region into sectarian bloodletti­ng. Only about five per cent of Myanmar’s 55 million people are Muslims, but about half of South Asia’s people are.

ARSA was founded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, by a group of Rohingya refugees. As reckless as a resort to armed struggle may be, the group’s policy of hitting only military targets and not civilians undermines the claim that it is merely a “terrorist” organizati­on.

Nonetheles­s, in Myanmar it is not only against the law for journalist­s to describe ARSA as anything but a “terrorist” group, it is also practicall­y illegal to even use the term “Rohingya.” Myanmar’s defence minister Aung Hlaing makes no bones about it. “We have already let the world know that we don’t have Rohingya in our country,” he said in a speech on Myanmar’s Armed Forces Day, back in March. “Bengalis in Rakhine state are not Myanmar citizens and they are just people who come and stay in the country.”

While Muslim and Buddhist population shifts between Chittagong in what is now Bangladesh and Rakhine have been ongoing since the days of the British Raj, the Rakhine “Bengalis” have occupied what is now Myanmar f or centuries. Denying the Rohingya their identity, and denying them citizenshi­p while the rest of the world does nothing, just throws fuel on an already smoulderin­g jihadist fire.

If the UN won’t act, who will come to the Rohingyas’ aid?

Rakhine had already been cited by Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi three years ago as an important new front for jihad. In recent weeks, in Al- Qalam – the propaganda sheet regularly issued by the outlawed Pakistani terrorist group Jaish-eMohammed – JEM founder Maulana Masood Azhar called for urgent action on behalf of the Rohingyas. Myanmar would soon hear "the thudding sound of the footsteps of its conquerors,” he wrote. Pakistan’s Tehreeke-Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba’s Hafiz Muhammad Saeed have also exhorted Muslims to wage jihad in Myanmar or otherwise come to the assistance of ARSA – no matter that ARSA insists it doesn’t want their help.

Even the Internatio­nal Crisis Group warns that ARSA’s leaders might soon be forced to reconsider their independen­ce and their rejection of jihad. The ICG’s study last December concluded: “If the government mishandles the situation ... it could create conditions for radicalizi­ng sections of the Rohingya population that jihadist groups might exploit for their own agendas. To avoid that risk requires a moderated military response, well- crafted political strategy and closer cooperatio­n and intelligen­ce sharing with Myanmar’s neighbours and the ASEAN ( Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations) bloc.”

But no well- crafted poli t i cal strategy i s on t he horizon. The Myanmar military continues to rampage across Rakhine state, and thousands of Rohingyas – 10,000 a day now, at least, with a surfeit of “fighting aged males” among them – continue to pour into overcrowde­d, makeshift refugee camps in Bangladesh.

This is not just a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing.” It is a textbook example of how jihadism thrives in all those places where internatio­nal- community platitudes are all that’s on offer to persecuted Muslims with nothing left to lose.


 ?? ALLISON JOYCE / GETTY IMAGES ?? Rohingya Muslims in a camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Nearly 400,000 Rohingya refugees have fled the atrocities in Myanmar.
ALLISON JOYCE / GETTY IMAGES Rohingya Muslims in a camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Nearly 400,000 Rohingya refugees have fled the atrocities in Myanmar.
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