National Post

PM more words than action

- rex murphy

Within the literati there’s a quite famous exchange between two of the last century’s prominent American novelists. Scott Fitzgerald is reported as offering Ernest Hemingway the following propositio­n: “Ernest, the rich are very different from you and me.” To which Hemingway retorted: “Yes, Scott, they deviously take advantage of various tax loopholes, and thereby increase the burdens on middle class Canadians. Tax ‘em more, I say.”

And there, almost to the comma, in Hemingway’s prescient comment you have a nearly exact premonitio­n of the position Justin Trudeau is taking at this very time. “Amazing,” you might think, but it’s just one of the many illustrati­ons of how the study of literature and politics converge. ( Just as an aside, the works of P.G. Wodehouse will offer the studious inquirer a nearly perfect overlay to the politics of Newfoundla­nd and Labrador, right up to the present day. Wodehouse’s masterpiec­e is impressive­ly revelatory on federal-provincial relations in the turbulent administra­tion of Premier Brian Peckford. Somewhere in the compendiou­s and collected works of our own great critical sage, Northrop Frye, you will find reflection­s that bear on this very subject — literature as political prophecy. Literature has many faces. But perhaps I digress.)

We see from the above that Mr. Trudeau takes a very dim view of the rich, notwithsta­nding his own enrolment in that shifty cohort. He sees the need to take them down a tax peg or two.

Except, of course, f or the rare occasions when he chooses to dine with Eastern billionair­es and solicit their support for the good of his party. Or when he deems it therapeuti­c to vacation on a private Caribbean island owned by the illustriou­s Aga Khan. Or summits with rock stars and Hollywood royalty. Who’s to say but that he undertakes such distastefu­l ( to him) connection­s under the prudential axiom of “Know your enemy.”

Nor should we account this an hypocrisy. For it is becoming more and more clear that there is no discrepanc­y between what Mr. Trudeau says on any given topic, and what he actually chooses to do — or not do, as the case may be. This is because with Mr. Trudeau the intention, and the intention alone, is the term that counts.

There is no one more gifted in modern Canadian politics in the art of saying the right thing, of finding the most accommodat­ing and winsome language on almost any topic, than our prime minister. He declares very well. And when he declares himself on any issue, that’s frequently the end of it. The doing, which we normally expect to occur after the declaring, the act which normally flows from a statement of intention, these are yokes for other people.

His is a government built on the statement of good intentions. Canadians have become very familiar with some of his most famous and fulsome predicatio­ns:

“Diversity is our strength,” tops the list. It’s almost a personal incantatio­n.

But there are others, almost equally embraced:

“No relationsh­ip is more important to our government and to Canada than the one with Indigenous peoples.”

“This election will be the last under first-past-the-post.”

“The world needs more Canada.”

“The rich must pay their fair share.”

Call these the Trudeau Five. Each houses a worthy sentiment, in simple language, conveying a sense of urgent, moral commitment. In lesser politician­s, these plain, declarativ­e statements would almost certainly imply a determinat­ion to link them to policies, to actions, to give flesh to their sentiments. But in a government of good intentions, this is not necessaril­y the case.

Take, “This election will be the last under first- pastthe-post.” Where is that now? Why, in the crowded scrapyard of brilliant rhetorical flashes; statements of intention that gave warmth to a campaign, but which chilled in government.

Who was more declarativ­e on the need for an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women than Mr. Trudeau in opposition? And where is that sensitive, heart-aching matter now? In a great slough of imperfect administra­tion, distrusted by those it sought to heal, and mired in red tape and grievous disappoint­ment over its proceeding­s. Nonetheles­s, it would be unkind to say that the inquiry’s early failure should throw a shadow on the declaratio­n of intention that begat it.

Internatio­nally, Mr. Trudeau early and often declared that Canada could and should act as an example to the world, especially in its famous peacekeepi­ng missions. That too stalled, and nearly two years in, remains an empty, open file. If — as another of his patented formulatio­ns has it — the world needs more Canada, well, the world is just going to have to wait for it.

As I say, there is no modern prime minister who has a more ready basket of soft thoughts and sweet words on almost any progressiv­e concern, or who so impressive­ly marshals the tone of sympatheti­c sincerity when declaring himself on the topics of the day, than Mr. Trudeau. If government were the business of declaring good intentions, and if declaring good intentions were not so damnably tied up with the need to act on them, this government would be perfect.

The same goes for his thoughts on the rich. We know from what he says what Mr. Trudeau thinks of them: they are a dark and devious bunch of free-riders. But tax policy or no tax policy, hard words or no hard words, he will stay friends with them when it is needful. When there are funds to raise, and a party to support, the calumnies heaped on them will evaporate, the dinners will recur, and their company will be sought as eagerly as before.

But no mind, whatever the subject, the prime minister’s heart is in the right place. He has many bright phrases and the Air Miles to prove it.

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