National Post

Wab Kinew case has a victim

- Jen Gerson National Post jgerson@ nationalpo­st. com Twitter: jengerson

By all accounts, Tara Hart deserved none of this. Fourteen years ago, police laid two domestic violence charges against Wab Kinew, now the leader of the Manitoba NDP. Hart, now in hiding, was named earlier this month as the alleged victim. She’s avoiding the vicious online backlash that came after she offered her account of what caused the pair’s separation.

Hart did not seek the spotlight; she was approached by media and asked to comment on the allegation­s after court documents were leaked to the press during the party’s l eadership race. For answering their questions, she now finds herself embroiled in an ugly political drama, her accusation­s a dark turn in what would otherwise have been a historic victory for a widely esteemed First Nations leader.

“I’m not into politics; I’d rather keep out of it,” Hart told APTN shortly before disappeari­ng.

“It’s so long ago; it’s in the past. I didn’t want it to come out … I’m scared of his people that support him to come against me,” she said. “He has a lot of friends.”

By Hart’s account, Kinew called her recently to tell her that the media would likely approach her. He presented the call as humane; she thought he was trying to intimidate her into silence.

According to Hart, in 2003 the two were living together when they had a fight. Kinew allegedly threw Hart across the room so forcefully that it left rug burns on her legs and arms. She called her grandmothe­r in tears and left, taking only a laundry hamper full of clothes. She said she could barely bend her knees, the injury hurt so much. In a subsequent interview, Wendy Bird, Hart’s mother, reiterated Hart’s account, adding that Kinew also dragged her by her long hair and threatened to throw her off the balcony of their 18th- floor apartment.

Hart went to the RCMP shortly afterward. Charges were laid, but stayed a year later. Hart said she never knew why the matter failed to proceed to court.

Kinew was never convicted. The charges remain untested. And shortly after the allegation­s resurfaced this summer, he outright denied them — which leaves a glaring incompatib­ility between the two accounts. Either Hart is lying, or Kinew is.

But Hart didn’t ask to be made a public figure. She was dragged into the middle of a rift festering in the NDP.

CBC Winnipeg has made a compelling case that the person who requested the documents from the court was one Mohinder Saran, a Manitoba MLA who was working for Kinew’s rival for the party leadership, Steve Ashton. (Saran did not respond to the Post’s requests for comment.)

If t he name Ashton sounds familiar, perhaps it’s because all politics in Canada seems to run in evertighte­ning family circles. Steve Ashton is father to Niki Ashton, currently bidding for the leadership of the federal NDP. And as her rival Jagmeet Singh had endorsed the now-beleaguere­d Kinew, she also didn’t hesitate to use the Manitoba imbroglio to try to score points for her own bid.

“I believe Tara Hart,” Ashton told CBC’s Power & Politics. “I believe women who come forward with their experience of gender- based violence, of sexual violence … It’s not enough to have a platform on gender- based violence.

“When push comes to shove, when there’s an issue here in front of us, I think it’s very critical that we say unequivoca­lly that we believe survivors.”

If “believing survivors” just so happens to push Hart into hiding, pitting her in very public opposition to a man who is now one of the most powerful and beloved First Nations figures in the country — and possibly on track to become premier of Manitoba — well, that’s just politics.

Kinew now faces his own catch- 22; had he admitted Hart’s allegation­s were correct, said that he was sorry and that he had worked since to improve himself, forgivenes­s — from Hart’s family and from the public at large — almost certainly would have followed. The reemergenc­e of the allegation­s would look more clearly like a political smear campaign; indeed, Senator Murray Sinclair’s admonition that the allegation­s had devolved into a public “witch hunt” are not unwarrante­d.

As it stands, either Hart is lying, for reasons not clear; or Kinew is lying, and acting in a profoundly unjust manner.

Since the allegation­s are no longer before the court, forgivenes­s is now a private matter, and one that lies solely with Hart and her family. The outstandin­g question of Wab Kinew’s redemption will be answered by the people of Manitoba, who will ultimately decide whether he is qualified to be premier of their province despite his past mistakes, admitted and otherwise.

As for Kinew’s fellow New Democrats, however, I think they have said quite enough.

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