National Post



MADRID Russian authoritie­s are fighting the extraditio­n of an alleged Russian hacker from Spain to the United States, the suspect’s lawyer said Friday, in the latest move by Moscow to block U.S. prosecutio­n of suspected Russian cy ber criminals.

Pyotr Levashov, a 37- year- old known as one of the world’s most notorious hackers, was arrested earlier this year while vacationin­g with his family in Barcelona on a request from the U.S ., where authoritie­s want him on charges of fraud and unauthoriz­ed intercepti­on of electronic communicat­ions.

Levashov’s lawyer, Margarita Repina, said a Russian counter- extraditio­n request was filed with Spanish authoritie­s Thursday, hours before a hearing in Madrid to decide whether he should be handed to U.S. authoritie­s.

Authoritie­s in the U.S. have linked Levashov, via his alias “Peter Severa,” to a series of powerful botnets, or networks of hijacked computers capable of pumping out billions of spam emails.

His arrest is part of a series of U.S .- initiated operations over the past year to seize the alleged Russian cybercrimi­nals outside their homeland, which has no extraditio­n treaty with the U.S.

Speaking through a court translator, Levashov, pictured, said he didn’t want to be sent to the U.S. because he feared for his life and didn’t want to be tortured during detention on U.S. soil.

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