National Post

Climate science far from settled

- Rex Murphy

There is a disturbanc­e in the tropospher­e, much perturbati­on. The little Gore molecules that do so much to keep everybody in the climate change industry in a sweat are slacking off. The results are — let me coin a word — undeniable. The world’s leading climate entreprene­ur’s new PowerPoint agitprop, An Inconvenie­nt Sequel: Truth to Power, hasn’t stirred the waters or warmed the air.

Take note of that bathetic subtitle, Truth to Power. With just about every government and sub- sovereign government in the world on side, every progressiv­e university in full harmony, every pseudo- science radio and TV program treating global warming with the reverence only found these days among Scientolog­ists and faith healing sorcerers, and every celebrity that owns a yacht and a private jet willing to swear, “It’s real and it’s happening,” which side do you think has the “Power?”

Not to mention the annual mass march of the penguins — sorry, my mistake — the annual trek (by jet) of the hordes of NGOs, Greenpeace camp followers, Green parties, and bureaucrat­s to Rio or Paris or Beijing or Marrakesh to piously intone The End is Near under the illustriou­s banner of the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change and the Conference of the Parties. All, of course, are lathered and lubricated by billions and billions of dollars in the fight against global warming, a. k. a., climate change, a. k. a. (for a little while there) global weirding. I think it’s fair to say the power and the publicity and the loot are squarely with the doomsayers of Camp Gore.

However, no Academy trinket, no Nobel olive leaf for the boring update — I don’t think it even made a showing at the Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival (which is an omission worth noting when you consider that TIFF, the emporium of films fashionabl­e, was willing to highlight the dreadful mother!, one of the bleakest flops of our time).

None of this, however, has cooled the tropospher­e as has the real news from an infinitely more prestigiou­s source.

From a number of venues normally in robotic lockstep with the great consensus of settled science, the London Times, the Washington Post, and even the maniacally warmist The Independen­t, a story emerges that the famous models of the global warming industry may have overstated the degree of global warming in the past two decades.

They do not say this on their own, mind you. That would localize the heresy, and no organ of respectabl­e journalist­ic opinion is willing to go full apostate on the creed of the Ecopocalyp­se without external backup.

Instead, they issue the findings of the prestigiou­s scientific oracle, Nature Geoscience, and the published work of two acknowledg­ed experts in the field, Messers Myles Allen, professor of geo- system science at the University of Oxford, and Michael Grubb, a professor of internatio­nal energy and climate change at University College London.

Be it noted: these two are not “deniers,” that being the vile term that those who champion global warming fling out with reckless ease at those who disagree with them. They deliberate­ly, knowingly, associate their opponents with Holocaust denialism, without so much as an arched eyebrow of rebuke from the censors of political correctnes­s. This stands in contrast to the stern policing from the commentari­at when it comes to instances of “sexist” rhetoric. If we’re going to have standards on “correct” rhetoric, let’s have standards for all of it. No deniers, no Barbies.

The Geoscience article has it all. The models were wrong. They “were on the hot side.” They “overstated the impact of emissions.” From The Independen­t: “Michael Grubb … admitted his earlier forecastin­g models had overplayed how temperatur­es would rise.” As a consequenc­e, the world now has a “larger carbon budget” than previously thought. There is, in other words, more time — the end is not as near as every crusader for the cause has insisted for the last 20 or 30 years.

One global warming scientist made a point everybody should pay attention to:

“Did t he I PCC get it wrong? Just let me leave that question hanging for a while … While you ponder that question, it is worth noting that the authors of this paper developed the idea of carbon budgets, are the world leading experts on carbon budgets, and derived the carbon budgets in the IPCC process ...” (my emphasis).

Can t hese t hings be? Could even a smidgen of the skepticism some have been urging, some of the warnings that science and politics are a terrible blend, be justified? If those who design the models find the models have “overstated” matters, that the models “were too hot,” could we not find room to pause a while before we redesign industrial civilizati­on according to the imperative­s of Al “The science is settled” Gore?

It isn’t settled. The science is emergent. The conclusion­s are at best tentative. I leave you with this consolatio­n: All global warming prediction­s are infallible, but some global warming prediction­s are less infallible than others.

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