National Post

Travelling to Vietnam? ‘Walk slowly’ is the best advice you’ll ever get

Why ‘walk slowly’ is the best advice a tourist can receive

- Sharon Lindores,

Dodging motorbikes in Ho Chi Minh City, cycling through monsoon rains in Hue and eating crickets in Mai Chau may not sound like a typical holiday – but who wants that?

Traveling in Vietnam is never dull. Take the route from Ho Chi Minh City north to the capital Hanoi – stopping a few places in between – and you’ll discover amazing food, incredible ruins and plenty of friendly, resilient people along the way.

For me, the fun began the moment I stepped onto the chaotic streets of Ho Chi Minh City – where there are no rules of the road and the onslaught of motorbikes is endless. At last count, there were 7.43 million of them and 8 million people. Yet, there’s often two to four people (including toddlers) per motorbike and, more often than not, they’re also carrying heavy, wide loads.

Crossing the street can be a death-defying act.

“Walk slowly” is the common advice that’s doled out to tourists. And while it may seem counterint­uitive to tiptoe through an onslaught of traffic – it actually works.

And that’s how I slowly made it to the War Remnants Museum. The harrowing exhibits of weapons, the Agent Orange aftermath and photos set the groundwork for understand­ing what the Vietnamese call the American War. It was also good to reflect on what the country’s been through before I met the others joining me for the hike, bike and kayak tour organized by Toronto-based G Adventures.


The next day, we all explored the Cu Chi tunnels ( 46 kilometres north of the city), where about 16,000 locals lived undergroun­d during the roughly 20- year conflict, which came to an end when Saigon ( now known as Ho Chi Minh City) fell to the Communists in April 1975.

The 250 kilometres that make up the honeycomb network of tunnels in this area are a testament to the ingenuity of the Viet Cong who were able to take on the armed might of the Americans by disappeari­ng down camouflage­d holes – each one about the size of a laptop – and into the tunnels.

Crawling through a portion of the tunnel was a tight squeeze – even though it’s been enlarged for tourists. But that wasn’t nearly as disturbing as hearing rounds of AK-47s going off at the site’s shooting range. That really made me wonder what the former jungle must have been like in 1972 when nine-year-old Kim Phuc (now a Canadian) was severely burned here and depicted in a Pulitzer Prize- winning photograph, which showed her running away from a napalm attack.

It all seemed like a world away when we were cycling between the city and the tunnels – passing rubber trees, rice paddies and beautiful countrysid­e. For the most part, the friendly Vietnamese I met didn’t shy away from speaking about the past, or their hopes for the future.

The country’s population more than doubled since the war ended. Today about 41 per cent of the country’s 95 million people are under the age of 25, and 45 per cent are between the ages of 25 and 54.

Most of them live in the 10 per cent of the land that’s urban, which explains the thriving and cacophonou­s cities. But it also means that there’s a great respite once you venture outside of the centres.


My Son is just such a place. The oldest ruins in Southeast Asia, these Hindu temples were built between the 4th and 14th centuries. Although only 20 of the original

68 structures survived ( the land is pockmarked by bomb craters), there’s a tranquilli­ty and beauty in the valley, which is nestled between two mountain ranges.

It’s well worth arriving early when the site opens at 6 a.m. to fully appreciate the setting. My group of five, plus our guide Thach, were among the first to get to My Son, which is about an hour’s drive from Hoi An. In fact, there were only three other people there at the same time.

Wandering through the brick and stone temples decorated with sandstone bas- reliefs and along paths in the lush valley, with the Thu Bon River gently flowing past was a magical start to the day.

It’s easy to see why the Cham people, who came from India in the 2nd century, chose this area as a site for their kings and why it’s one of Vietnam’s eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The ancient town of Hoi An is another. The Japanese merchant houses and the Chinese temples in the coastal town are charming – especially at night when lanterns adorn the buildings and little boats carrying candles float along the Thu Bon River. The town, once a major shipping area, is now a major shopping area.

Talented and versatile tailors do a brisk trade quickly making anything you want out of silk, linen, or your choice of fabric. And, of course, there’s a selection of lanterns, fans and the like available in the touristic and slightly kitsch town’s many shops.

Hue, about 145 kilometres north, reveals more of the country’s storied past. Mountain-biking along dirt trails, through massive, muddy puddles and the monsoon rains of summer was oddly exhilarati­ng. ( Incidental­ly, this was the only day we really got caught out with a downpour and the weather was generally fine.)

We took a break from cycling to see the Citadel, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was home to the Nguyen Dynasty from 1805 to 1945. They were the last royals to rule the country and 13 Nguyen emperors and their numerous concubines lived in the vast complex.

About 5 kilometres south of the city is the tomb of the fourth emperor Tu Doc. It’s perched on top of Van Nien Hill in Duong Xuan Thuong village. Built between 1864 and 1867, the royal mausoleums offer another look at monuments-of-the-day and a panoramic view of the countrysid­e. The sombre and remote setting making it both majestic and moving. My next stop was Poom Coong village in Mai Chau – an idyllic, pastoral area about 150 kilometres west of Hanoi, which has been developed into an eco- tourism spot by the White Thai people who live there.

Lodgings are all in homestays – in houses built on stilts. Traditiona­lly, roosters, chickens and cows lived below the living quarters, and some of the homes still operate that way. Indeed, I woke up to a chorus of roosters, followed by cows mooing.

The food here – and throughout the country – is fresh and flavourful. Vietnam’s cuisine mixes native gastronomy with Chinese, Indian, French and Japanese influences , and uses locally sourced seasonal ingredient­s. At the start of the trip, our main guide – Dang Trung ( a. k. a. Zoom, Zoom for the way he speedily showed us his country) – warned me that in Vietnam they eat anything that moves. Raised during hard times, he assured me he ate rats as a child.

He also said you could eat a snake’s still-beating heart in a specialty resto in Hanoi. And I couldn’t help noticing we stopped at a few road- side cafes throughout the country with bottled reptiles.

Fortunatel­y, these items were never on our menu (as far as I could ascertain.) However, after a shot of happy water, our homestay hosts produced a bowl full of crispy, fried crickets – and, erm, it would have been churlish not to try at least one.

As luck would have it, the rest of the food was made up of more typical fare – rice, spring rolls and curries – all of which were delicious and gave me plenty of sustenance.

The scenery in Mai Chau is stunning with forested limestone mountains surroundin­g rice paddies. And it would be wonderful to spend a few days exploring the area by bike, and/or on foot. Short on time, we did a casual day hike before making our way to Halong Bay. For the record, this too is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. More than 1,600 limestone pillars jut out of the Gulf of Tonkin creating a stunning karst landscape. Kayaking is relaxing here and there are numerous spots to explore – whether you want to go into some of the caves to admire the stalagmite­s and stalactite­s, or just rock up on to a little beach to go for a dip in the warm, but refreshing water.

Again, I could happily spend a number of days exploring the bay – which offers unlimited paddling, climbing and snorkellin­g – just to name a few activities.

But I had one last day left to see a bit more of Hanoi.

There’s a crazy-busy market, with all sorts of wares, a number of interestin­g museums to visit and the pretty Hoan Kiem Lake in the centre of the Old Quarter. Having mastered the art of walking through traffic, it was easy to explore the area on foot.

In the evening, the quarter really comes to life – with multitudes sitting on tiny stools by tables in outdoor restos, cruising the night market, with gazillions of items for sale, and listening to street musicians.

The capital city – with a banana plantation, its own Notre Dame Cathedral and water puppet shows – doesn’t disappoint; it’s every bit as diverse and full of surprises as the rest of the country.

 ?? SHARON LINDORES ?? Halong Bay in the Gulf of Tonkin has more than 1,600 limestone pillars, creating a stunning karst landscape.
SHARON LINDORES Halong Bay in the Gulf of Tonkin has more than 1,600 limestone pillars, creating a stunning karst landscape.
 ??  ?? The old town of Hoi An lights up at night. The Citadel in Hue was built between 1804 and 1833.
The old town of Hoi An lights up at night. The Citadel in Hue was built between 1804 and 1833.

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