National Post


Spanish police use force in attempt to stop referendum THE SPANISH STATE WROTE ANOTHER SHAMEFUL PAGE IN ITS HISTORY WITH CATALONIA.

- Hannah Strange

BA RCELONA • Catalonia’s regional government declared a landslide win for the “yes” side in a disputed referendum on independen­ce from Spain that degenerate­d into ugly scenes of mayhem on Sunday, with more than 800 people injured as riot police attacked peaceful protesters and unarmed civilians gathered to cast their ballots.

Catalonia has “won the r i ght to become an i ndependent state,” Catalan president Carles Puigdemont said after the polls closed, adding that he would keep his pledge to declare independen­ce unilateral­ly from Spain if the “yes” side wins.

“Today the Spanish state wrote another shameful page in its history with Catalonia,” Puigdemont added, saying he would appeal to the European Union to look into alleged human rights violations during the vote.

Catalan regional government spokesman Jordi Turull told reporters early Monday that 90 per cent of the 2.26 million Catalans who voted chose the “yes” side in favour of independen­ce. He said nearly 8 per cent of voters rejected independen­ce and the rest of the ballots were blank or void. He said 15,000 votes were still being counted.

The region has 5.3 million registered voters, and Turull said the number of ballots didn’t include those confiscate­d by Spanish police during violent raids that aimed to stop the vote.

No one knows precisely what will happen if Catalan officials actually follow through on their pledge to use the vote — chaotic as it was — as a basis for declaring the northeaste­rn region independen­t, a provocativ­e move that would threaten Spain with the possible loss of one of its most prosperous regions, including the coastal city of Barcelona, the regional capital.

Hundreds of police armed with truncheons and rubber bullets were sent in from other regions to confiscate ballots and stop the voting, and amateur video showed some officers dragging people out of polling stations by the hair, throwing some down stairs, kicking them and pushing them to the ground. Anguished, frightened screams could be heard.

Police were acting on a judge’s orders to stop the ref- erendum, which the Spanish government had declared illegal and unconstitu­tional — and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said going forward with the vote only served to sow divisions.

In a televised address after the majority of polls closed Sunday, he thanked the Spanish police, saying they had acted with “firmness and serenity” — comments sure to anger Catalans.

Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis said the violence, while “unfortunat­e” and “unpleasant” was “proportion­ate.”

“If people insist on disregardi­ng the law and doing something that has been consistent­ly declared illegal and unconstitu­tional, law enforcemen­t officers need to uphold the law,” Dastis told The Associated Press in an interview.

C at al a n s f av ou r i ng a break with Spain have long wanted more than the limited autonomy they now enjoy, arguing that they contribute far more than they receive from the central government, which controls key areas including taxes and infrastruc­ture. The police aggression on Sunday was likely to only fuel the passion for independen­ce, and the main separatist group urged the regional government to declare independen­ce after the violent crackdown.

By day ’ s end, Catalan health services said 844 civilians had been treated in hospitals for injuries, including two in serious condition and another person who was being treated for an eye injury that fit the profile of having been hit by a rubber bullet. Thirty- three police officers were also injured.

Officials planning the police operation may have failed to take into account the ubiquitous use of smart phones with video recorders as violent images were broadcast across the world. At the Pau Claris School in Barcelona, amateur footage filmed by one voter showed police roughing up unarmed people standing in their way. Amateur video from other locations showed similar tactics, with people seen being hit, kicked and thrown around by police, including elderly people.

There were also some signs of provocatio­n by activists. In footage released by the Spanish Interior Ministry, some protesters were seen throwing objects and metal barriers at riot police.

Elisa Arouca, who was waiting to vote outside the Estel school in central Barcelona, reacted with anger when national police agents yanked her and other prospectiv­e voters out of the way, then smashed the door open and confiscate­d the ballot boxes.

She had been planning to vote in favour of keeping Catalonia part of Spain, but decided instead to join the march for independen­ce. She moved to another polling station to try to cast her vote in favour of breaking away.

“I was always against i ndependenc­e, but what the Spanish state is doing is making me change my mind,” she said. “The national police and civil guard are treating us like criminals.”

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 ?? RAYMOND ROIG / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? Officers from the Spanish Guardia Civil drag a man away from a polling station in Sant Julia de Ramis. According to Catalan officials, 90 per cent of the 2.26 million who voted chose the “yes” side in favour of independen­ce.
RAYMOND ROIG / AFP / GETTY IMAGES Officers from the Spanish Guardia Civil drag a man away from a polling station in Sant Julia de Ramis. According to Catalan officials, 90 per cent of the 2.26 million who voted chose the “yes” side in favour of independen­ce.

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