National Post

Law society principles


Re: Law society should be struck down, Editorial, Nov. 11; Our courts go too far, our schools not far enough, Conrad Black, Nov. 11; It’s 1984 again in law society diktat, Christie Blatchford, Nov. 9; Law society crosses the line, Bruce Pardy, Oct. 4

I have been a member of the Law Society since 1970 and I read with great interest your recent and logical article in opposition to this mandatory measure as “groupthink.”

Your editorial was consistent with recent articles by Christie Blatchford, Conrad Black, and several weeks ago by Prof. Bruce Pardy.

I find it interestin­g that there have been no articles published representi­ng the views of those who support these measures. I have no doubt that had you received a reasoned article in this connection, it would have been published.

The Law Times is distribute­d to lawyers throughout Ontario. It has published a number of articles in support of the “Standard of Principles.” However, in the Oct. 30 edition of the weekly publicatio­n, it published the following poll, which speaks volumes, regarding the obligation of lawyers to complete the Statement of Principles: “We asked readers if they agreed with this measure. Eighty- nine per cent said no, this was heavyhande­d and overbearin­g. Eleven per cent said yes, this will encourage better equality, diversity and inclusion in the profession.”

Ronald Birken, Toronto

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