National Post

For an unlikely champion of pipelines, Notley is sure trying.


- McParland,

Rachel Notley may no longer be Alberta’s favourite politician or the toast of Canada’s leftwinger­s, but she delivered a message in Ottawa Tuesday that demonstrat­ed the sort of intelligen­ce and leadership that has been sadly lacking on one of the country’s most crucial issues.

In a speech to the Economic Club of Canada, Notley decried, in blunt terms, the short-sightednes­s, smallminde­dness and self- interest that has come to infest pipeline politics, threatenin­g an industry that backstops Canada’s economy and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

She left no ox un- gored, f rom her own supposed friends in the New Democratic Party, to the conspicuou­s l ack of backbone on show from Liberal Ottawa, to the misguided belief on the right that confrontat­ional tactics will somehow help get pipelines built.

And, in so many words, she informed anti- pipeline activists that they are not helping anyone by pig-heatedly seeking to destroy a vital industry out of misguided zealotry.

“We — the moderate, progressiv­e majority in Canada — risk being out- shouted,” she said. “We risk being out- shouted by determined advocates, who think their agenda must be pursued regardless of the economic consequenc­es for ordinary working families.”

The reality, she said, is that demand for oil will continue regardless of Canada, that as many as 500,000 jobs are supported by the energy industry across the country, that pipelines are far safer than railways, and that driving customers to dirtier and corrupt suppliers in Venezuela or Russia defies logic.

Noting that “there is not a school, hospital, or road anywhere in the country that does not owe something to a strong energy industry in Alberta,” she asserted that “you don’t support working people by attacking the hardworkin­g women and men in our energy industry, and by attacking good, mortgage-paying energy jobs.”

While the federal government makes much of its support for the Paris Accord on climate change, and its own national anti-emissions plan, “none of that happens without Alberta,” she said. “We’re Canada’s principal energy producer. Alberta has to be on the team for Canada to have any hope of meeting its climate change targets.”

Her government has introduced an aggressive climate package at considerab­le political risk, which is only endangered by the antiAlbert­a antics of other provinces, she said.

“We can act as one country that thinks strategica­lly and competes internatio­nally, or we can be a bunch of economic fiefdoms competing with each other for economic advantage.” In either case, “without Alberta, there is no national climate plan. Period.”

Speaking just steps from Parliament, Notley castigated her own party and others for playing partisan politics with a matter of national interest. At home in Alberta she faces a strong challenge from the surging United Conservati­ve Party under its new leader, Jason Kenney, who has skilfully marshalled frustratio­n over the struggling economy and a wave of costly NDP programs. Notley’s message to pipeline opponents is that a UCP government would be far less friendly to their cause, and underminin­g her efforts is nothing if not self-defeating.

Arguing that attacks from the right are no more helpful than those from the left, she urged Conservati­ves in Alberta and Ottawa to “stop playing politics” with the issue.

“Canadians won’t support energy policies based on divisive political tactics,” she charged. “Denying climate change also won’t get pipelines built.”

To f ellow NDPers she warned that “you can’t make progress on climate if you tell working people their jobs don’t matter.”

“If the price of climate action is the economic security of hundreds of thousands of working people and their families, then we fail on both counts.”

Her starkest challenge was delivered to the federal Liberals and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Though Ottawa has pledged its support for the Trans Mountain Pipeline, Notley indicated it’s time to get off their duffs and show some leadership rather than simple lip- service.

Echoing points that are sure to be a major part of a Kenney platform, she reminded Liberals that Alberta, with just 12 per cent of Canada’s population, provides 17 per cent of federal revenues.

“Alberta sends $ 21.8 billion per year more to Ottawa than we receive in return. The f ederal government can’t do its work for Canadians if it can’t pay for it.”

With its near- total dependence on the U. S. for foreign sales, the province can’t keep delivering that muchneeded cash if its industry withers from lack of access to the sea, she said. The U. S., especially under the guid- ance of President Donald Trump, would be more than happy to continue its expansion into foreign markets at Canada’s expense.

“The United States has … tripled its own energy production over the past decade, and built numerous pipelines — while we in Canada were arguing over ours,” she noted.

“So the United States is our sole customer and is emerging as our principal competitor. This doesn’t make a lot of sense, and it needs to change.”

She urged Trudeau’s government to “step up” in its support for Trans Mountain. Bland statements of favour aren’t enough to challenge deliberate efforts in British Columbia to stymie the project. Rather than hoping to somehow placate B. C. and Quebec while sweet- talking Alberta, Trudeau needs to display some leadership.

“The efforts of local councils to frustrate the national government’s decision that was made in the national interest must be met head on,” Motley stated.

“Now, more than ever, Canadians need our national government to articulate and defend the national interest.”

It’s worth pointing out that Notley is struggling against a problem s he helped create, as a charter member of the leftist crowd that has done so much to f eed anti- Alberta sentiment. But it could also be said that her past gives her words additional weight. As opposition groups have discovered so often, it’s easy to preach to the crowds when out of power; much harder when you are responsibl­e to a broad, diverse population rather than a limited club of like- minded enthusiast­s. Notley has learned what it means to lead a province, where abstract idealism does little to support jobs, families and the broader interests of the community as a whole.

She’s trying to share the lesson with Ottawa Liberals. Maybe Trudeau will listen.


 ?? MARK BLINCH / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Alberta Premier Rachel Notley demonstrat­ed intelligen­ce and leadership that has been lacking in Canadian oil pipeline politics in a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa on Tuesday, Kelly McParland writes.
MARK BLINCH / THE CANADIAN PRESS Alberta Premier Rachel Notley demonstrat­ed intelligen­ce and leadership that has been lacking in Canadian oil pipeline politics in a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa on Tuesday, Kelly McParland writes.
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