National Post

A comedy with some howlers


- Chris Knight Another WolfCop opens across Canada on Dec. 1.

Sometimes a movie can’t help but live up to its billing. Other times it falls a little short. Another WolfCop, Saskatchew­an writer/director Lowell Dean’s sequel to his deliciousl­y zany 2014 original, is a bit of a letdown in that it does not, in fact, feature another WolfCop. Instead we get the same old WolfCop, the aptly named Lou Garou ( Leo Fafard), working one day a month ( t wice if t here’s a blue moon) in the tiny town of Woodhaven.

When he’s not t r ansf ormed by t he power of lunar light, he’s just regular ol’ DrunkCop, working with Chief Tina ( Amy Matysio) and a couple of inept rookies.

Even half- smashed, he’s probably her most effective law-enforcemen­t officer.

But weird things are afoot in Woodhaven. An entreprene­ur ( Yannick Bisson, who looks like a before-his-prime Ray Liotta) has bought the town’s defunct beer factory. His plan to open a brewery/ hockey arena suggests a fan of Strange Brew, while his name for the suds — Chicken Milk Beer — points to someone with a glass of eggnog in one hand and a French-English dictionary in the other. Oh, and he’s breeding some kind of alien creature.

Granted, the plot doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but it functions as a sturdy enough tree on which to hang a variety of kooky jokes, including Kevin Smith as the town’s mayor; Jonathan Cherry as a victim of the alien takeover; and a special guest star with a taste for synthesize­rs. Like the original WolfCop, this one is set squarely in the 1980s, from its They Live title font to Gowan’s Strange Animal on the soundtrack.

There are also a number of howlers — including a new slogan for the city of Regina — that I won’t reveal here because ( A) that would be spoiling things and ( B) your kids and/or parents might be reading this review. Heck, you might even be reading it yourself!

There are enough laughs to make Another WolfCop a good- enough successor, if not the equal of the first. Lightning seldom strikes twice, although a wolf might.

 ??  ?? Saskatchew­an writer/director Lowell Dean’s Another WolfCop is a sequel to his deliciousl­y zany 2014 original.
Saskatchew­an writer/director Lowell Dean’s Another WolfCop is a sequel to his deliciousl­y zany 2014 original.

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