National Post

Tory claims do not hold up, Corcoran

- Terence Corcoran

Somewhere the Andrew Scheer Conservati­ves must have policies and messages that counter the Trudeau government’s parade of unfocused fiscal and ideologica­l spins. If the Tories continue to place the lynching of Finance Minister Bill Morneau as their top priority, voters may never find out whether Scheer offers meaningful and principled alternativ­es to the Liberals.

That t he Morneau attacks could backfire looked more likely this week when the Conservati­ves’ weekslong attacks on Morneau’s personal investment issues took an extreme turn. Rising in the House of Commons during Question Period Wednesday, Scheer issued a pompous ultimatum: “After careful considerat­ion, in my capacity of Leader of the Opposition, I am officially calling on Bill Morneau to resign as finance minister.”

Morneau, supported by Prime Minister Trudeau, did not r esign. So now what does Scheer plan to do? If Morneau is still finance minister a year from now and the allegation­s of conflict of interest and insider trading prove to be the legally and politicall­y bogus allegation­s that they seem to be right now, Scheer will have been reduced to looking like an ineffectua­l spreader of political dirt rather than an upstanding leader with high ideals and a clear plan for the country.

Original allegation­s of conflict of i nterest, bolstered by higher- voltage charges of insider trading, are already on the brink of backfiring. Even Ottawa’s political reporters, usually keen to pounce on even the faintest hints of financial wrongdoing, are having a hard time connecting all the dots scattered by the Conservati­ve and NDP opposition activists.

The attacks on Morneau’s ethics are beginning to l ook unethical in t hemselves. Tory finance critic Pierre Poilievre has been particular­ly aggressive in suggesting Morneau’s investment decisions were motivated so as to avoid the impact of his first financial moves as minister in late 2015.

The Tory claims do not hold up. Morneau personally ( and apparently his father, the founder of Morneau Shepell) sold some shares in the company days before announcing changes in Canadian income tax rates. The argument is that the shares were sold at a high price relative to where they traded in the days following the fiscal announceme­nt.

The price changes are fractional, and the reasons the shares declined cannot possibly be related to Morneau’s tax policy move. It’s even possible the shares l ost val ue because t he Morneaus sold. Another factor is that stock prices were in general decline during the same days.

If t he Tor y/ NDP all egations were true, the Morneaus would go down as the worst insider traders in the history of the market. Confoundin­g matters is that by selling when they did in late November 2015, the Morneaus missed out on a big run-up in Morneau Shepell shares, a run-up that began at around $ 14.50 a share almost the day after the December 2015, fiscal statement and hasn’t stopped since, reaching almost $22 a share in trading this week.

As we say in the news business, there really is no story here. Scheer and the Tories are trying hard to bring down the minister of finance. But if he doesn’t fall — as seems possible if there is no ethical or insider- trading scandal — then it is the Tories who will suffer for having ethically overreache­d in a campaign that leaves Canadians scratching their heads.

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